16. New friends + New family.

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A/N- this ones for lilyyunderwood for the lovely comment! And making me actually get another chapter out!!

When Bucky next woke up, the sun was peaking through a gap in their curtains, and checking his phone he saw it was just gone 6am. Karli was clutching Zemo's arm to her chest while they were both sound asleep, making him smile. After laying there scrolling through his phone for a few minutes, he got a text from Sam asking if he was awake and wanted to go for a run. They decided to meet in 10 minutes at their front gates, so Bucky carefully rolled out of bed, attached his arm and went to put on running clothes. After going to the bathroom and brushing his teeth, he padded over to his boyfriends side of the bed, carefully waking him just enough to let him know.

"Hey, I'm going for a run with Sammy, I'll be back in like an hour, love you." He whispered when his boyfriend blinked his eyes open.

"Mmmhm, love you." Zemo whispered back, shutting his eyes and going back to sleep.

Bucky smiled to himself and shook his head, leaning over to kiss Karli on the head before going downstairs to eat 2 protein bars and drink some water. He put on his Apple Watch, leaving his phone on the kitchen counter, before putting on his running shoes and going out the front door, making sure to shut it gently. He started his trek down their long driveway, admiring the orange sky from the sun rise. When he got to the gate it detected the chip in his watch and let him out, shutting behind him. He could see Sam walking up the road towards him from Sarah's house.

By the time they turned back onto their road it was  7:05, the sun was fully up, and it was starting to get hotter.

"You coming in? You can shower and borrow clothes?" Bucky asked Sam as they slowed to a walk outside his gates.

"Nah, I gotta help Sarah take the boys to school then go into the restaurant today man, sorry." Sam replied, taking a drink from his water bottle.

"No worries, Shuri, Ayo and Okoye are flying over at like 11, I think they might stay tonight so you and Sarah can bring the boys by after school if you want?" Bucky asked his brother

"Sure man, I'll ask Sarah and we'll let you know. I know the boys will wanna see KJ, I think it's safe to say she's their favourite person right now." Sam laughed, watching as Bucky scanned his watch on the front gates and they opened.

"Alright man, hey I think she's everyone's favourite to be honest. See ya later." Bucky laughed, hugging Sam before going through the gates and trekking back up the driveway.

"Later bro." Sam called, turning to walk home to the end of the road.

As Bucky reached the front door he got the key out of a lock box they hid in the porch, and unlocked the door. He slipped off his shoes and put them in the hallway closet, then went into the kitchen. He got a glass and orange juice out, drinking it with a protein snack while scrolling through his phone. When he was done he went upstairs quietly and slipped back into their bedroom, Zemo looked over and smiled at him, he was sitting up against the headboard reading a book with the curtains slightly open. Karli was still sound asleep, head buried in his side making Bucky grin. He walked around the bed to kiss his boyfriend,

"Morning, she been okay?" He asked in a whisper, pulling back from their kiss

"Good morning, yes she hasn't woken. I thought it best to let her get as much sleep as she can." Zemo smiled looking down at their daughter.

"Good, I'm gonna go shower in her bathroom so I don't wake her." Bucky replied, going over to their wardrobe to get clean clothes. He got his shampoo and body wash from his shower, foregoing his razor as he couldn't be bothered to shave.

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