8. Nightmares.

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Around 2am Bucky woke up to the light streaming in from the hallway and the door creaking open, Zemo had moved away to the other side of the bed in his sleep so Bucky sat up. Karli was standing in the doorway and he could just make out tears streaming down her face. As gently as he could he got up from the bed and padded over to her, "kJ, doll." He breathed out quietly as he took her face between his hands "you have a nightmare?" He asked as she flung her arms around his middle, crying silently into his chest.
"Y-yeah... I'm sorry I just. I woke up and I... could feel all their hands on me and I just... I got scared." She mumbled through her tears.
"Hey, never apologise, in this house the one thing we all understand the horror of nightmares and how real they can feel. You don't have to tell me right now, or ever but even if it was a memory, you're safe here okay? You'll always be safe here and we won't let anyone else hurt you." Bucky said kissing the top of her head. He tilted her head back off his chest and wiped her tears away with his thumbs.
"C'mon kiddo, you wanna stay in here?" He asked her softly. She nodded smiling shyly at him. "Okay doll, don't blame me if H tries to cuddle you though, sometimes he's like an octopus." He grinned at her, taking her hand and leading her back to the bed.
"Hey drink a little for me first, don't want you to get dehydrated." He said handing her a glass of water from his nightstand. She took the glass and drank half, but got startled when her stomach rumbled, looking to Bucky with wide eyes.
"Hey are you hungry? I'll go get you a snack okay, lay down there for a minute." He said guiding her to lay in the bed and tucking the covers around her.
"What... what is that, I don't like it, it feels weird Jamie." She said staring up at him, he smiled a little sadly back
"That means your hungry kid, it'll probably feel different from the hunger pains you've had before. Your body is already getting used to eating proper meals since you've been here, so I want you to eat every time you feel hungry okay? You don't have to get permission to eat. Ever. But if you want us to make you something you ask okay?" He explained to her softly, cupping her face sand kissing her on the forehead.
"Okay, thank you Jamie." She whispered nodding and turning her head into the pillow yawning.
"I'll be quick." Bucky said as he left the room.

He went down the stairs, turning on the kitchen light he went into the pantry and looked around for something easy Karli could eat. He silently thanked Zemo for being the best human on the planet, as he found boxes of calorie filled protein bars. He grabbed one for himself, hoping to make Karli feel more comfortable by eating one with her. He flipped off the light and jogged back up the stairs. He dimmed the upstairs hallway light a little more and quietly entered their bedroom again. He paused to smile at the sight of his boyfriend and their daughter looking so peaceful, almost not wanting to wake her again. He sighed and thought about how he also couldn't leave her hungry, going over and sitting on the edge of the bed.

He ran a hand over her braided hair, "kJ, c'mon kid, wake up for a minute" he whispered to her. She slowly blinked her eyes open and made a confused noise in the back of her throat, he huffed out a laugh
"Got us a snack kiddo, c'mon and sit up for a minute." He said putting his hands under her armpits and helping her sit up.
"Ughhhhhh" she quietly groaned "I think I'm still asleep Jamie" she she said.
"Well let's be quick then and we can join Zee in the land of dreams, nice dreams." He said smiling at her "now, chocolate or peanut butter? I brought one of each, they're high calorie protein bars, the perfect snack for super soldiers." He explained holding up the two bars.
"Uhhhh... chocolate? If you don't mind peanut butter" she said slowly blinking at him, wishing she was asleep. He chucked quietly
"You got it kid" he said opening the chocolate one before handing it to her and starting his own. They were both done in a couple of minutes.
"Okay, all good?" He asked as he put the wrappers on the bedside table.
"Yeah, thanks." She replied about to lay down again.
"Hey, one more sip of water kid." He said holding the glass up to her. She rolled her eyes but took a sip, he downed the rest after her and put the empty glass on the table.

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