13. Movie nights.

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A few hours later Karli woke up to someone moving her, opening her eyes she realised it was Zemo shifting her from his chest into Bucky's arms.
"kJ, sorry to wake you, I'm going to start making dinner okay? Have a drink for me and then you can sit with your dad and rest more." Zemo said softly to her as he stood from the sun lounger and Bucky took his place.

"Mhmm, what time is it?" she asked blinking her eyes a few times to get used to the bright sun as he handed her her water bottle.

"Just gone 5:30, papas making pasta, that okay?" Bucky answered as Zemo went into the house, mentally making a note to get karli an apple watch at some point.

"Sounds good. Love you dad" she mumbled into his chest as she shut her eyes again.

"I love you too ducky." He replied kissing the top of her head as she drifted back to sleep.

About 30 minutes later she was slowly woken by her dad and led inside to eat dinner. This meal went much better than lunch, with Karli actually eating two full plates of pasta making her parents smile.

"Can we watch a movieeeee? Pleaseeeee?" Aj said finishing the last bit of his dinner.

"Cars again?" kJ asked in a sarcastic tone.

"No!! We can watch somethin else I promise!" The boy said back with a giggle at kj who stuck her tongue out at him.

"How about shower and pjs then a movie okay?" Bucky said to the three of them with a smile.

"Okayyyyyyy, now?" Aj asked.

"Yeah go now, Cass will you help your brother?" Sarah asked the older boy.

"Sure! Let's go Aj." He answered.

"There's towels for you both in the bathroom next to uncle Sam's room and clothes in your drawers." Zemo smiled at them as they got up from the table.

"Thanks uncle H!" They both said as they moved towards the stairs, making everyone smile.

"Shower KJ?" Bucky asked her

"Ughhhhh I'll do it after." She groaned, shutting her eyes.

"Okay ducky." Bucky grinned at her.

"Ah, I have something for you all actually, one moment." Zemo said to them as he got up from the table and crossed the room to go to his office. Coming back a few moments later, he sat back down and handed them each a key, some sort of microchip and a piece of paper with a username, password and code on it, "okay, so obviously the key is to the front door, but the chip can be inserted into a watch, a bracelet, a phone, anything really and it'll unlock the front gates and disarm the security alarm when no one else is here. Also you can download an app onto your phone, enter your username, password and the code and you'll have access to most of the security cameras on the property as well as control of the front gates. So if you're in the car you won't have to get out to open them, and it'll alert you and bring up the gate camera if someone is there. The app will only work if it's you using it, I won't go tomorrow the details of how it will know but it will. We want you to have access to the house whenever you need it, that goes for the boys too." Zemo said to them, aiming the last part mainly at Sam and Sarah as this was Karli's home so she knew she would always be here.

"Gees, Zee. Way to jump right in. You're gonna regret this when you can't get us to leave." Sam grinned at his pseudo brothers.

"Nah, never Sammy. Who's face could I look at to remind myself I'm perfect everyday if your ugly mug ain't around?" Bucky smirked at him, gaining a punch to the arm.

"What our brother means to say, is thank you. You sure you want to give us all this?" Sarah asked looking at Zemo.

"We're very sure. You're family, there's no reason we wouldn't want to. Also I got chips for the boys that will let them in if there's ever an emergency or even if they just want to come over. Do you think they'd wear a necklace or bracelet or something if I got them one to put it in?" Zemo smiled back at Sarah.

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