9. Shopping trips.

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Bucky and Zemo smiled at the way her eyes lit up like a kid at the sight of a big fountain in the middle of the mall. All three heads turned to the left as they heard someone call "hey, Barnes-Zemo's! I believe you've found your shopping master of the day" they turned to see Sarah grinning and walking towards them.
"Barnes-Zemo huh? Guess that sorts out the who's name goes first argument for when we get married." Bucky grinned back
"When?? Is this how you're telling your favourite sister that you're engaged?" Sarah shot back with a raised eyebrow,
"Nah, I just know it's a when not an if." Bucky said throwing a grin at a smiling Zemo.
"Good morning Sarah." Zemo said leaning in to kiss her on both cheeks
"Morning Zemo. Hey Kj." She said to the smiling girl "well I can see why we're here. Is this really how you dressed the poor girl" Sarah asked the two men as she took in Karli's old combat boots, rolled up sweatpants and oversized crop top with the big hoodie round her waist.
"Hey! We tried our best okay, it was all we had that was remotely close to fitting. But we're here to fix that, right ducky?" Bucky replied looking down at the laughing girl
"Yuhhhh, that's what you keep telling me" Karli said back with a smile.

"Okay how are we doing this? Clothes or shoes or you wanna go with Sarah and do whatever it is girls do while shopping for hours?" Bucky asked Karli
"Uhhhhh... I- can we... shoes first? Together?" She asked tightening her grip on Zemo's hand
"Absolutely. Where do you want to go kj?" Zemo asked squeezing her hand back and shooting Sarah a look to go along with it. Sarah gave him an understanding look back, eyes darting to their joined hands and Bucky basically crushing the girl into his side.
"Uhhhh... I really don't know. I don't think I've ever shopped for shoes. Or even had new shoes now that I think about it." Karli said back shyly.
"Hey I got you kid, I feel like you're a vans, converse and docs kinda girl. I know just the place." Sarah said tipping her head towards a shoe store further into the mall on their right. Zemo asked about Cass and Aj as they walked and Karli lost herself gazing around at all the different stores.

Bucky nudged her and she zoned back in, eyes darting around the huge store of shoes.
"Hey, I feel like you'll love docs, come look." Sarah said as she led them to a wall of sturdy looking boots in all different colours. She was immediately drawn to the plain black ones in the middle of the wall, raising her unoccupied hand to trace a finger along the yellow threat around the bottom.
"Like them?" Zemo asked her
"Yeah." She said nodding "but I mean... they're expensive." She said looking at the price underneath.
"One thing you will have to get used to, is not to even bother looking at the price tag. I know it's hard when you've come from somewhere the opposite of this but we truly have too much money, even with all we give to different charities and such. You won't be wasting anything okay? I don't want you to just have things you need, I want to give you things you want as well. Trust me here okay? Chose anything." Zemo said turning Karli's face towards him and smiling softly at her. Still looking apprehensive she gave him a smile back
"Okay... yeah okay. I'll try. Just... can we not be too excessive today?" She said with a grin
"Anything you want." Zemo replied

"Know what size you are kid?" Bucky asked picking up the shoe
"Uhhh... no? I've kinda just always had to wear what I've been given. I think these are kinda too small." She said looking down at her old combats, missing the sad looks the adults sent to each other.
"Okay, I'll go find someone to measure you then, go look at the converse and vans on that wall." Sarah said pointing to the wall to their right before turning and walking towards the checkout.
"Woah... that's... a lot of options" Karli said in awe as she looked at the long wall covered in shoes. Bucky laughed
"Start slow kid. What colors do you like?" He asked
"Uhhh blue, black, purple, dark green?" She replied
"Okay, how about start with original black converse?" Bucky said taking them off the shelf to show her
"I like them." She said nodding. She picked up a pair of black and white checkered lace up vans too "I like these too" she smiled up at Zemo, who grinned back, glad she was picking things she likes.

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