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“Cassandra! Make the lunches!” my father, John Deckers, demanded.

“I still need to make my own!” I called from the kitchen.

“Like I care!” he screamed back.

My father isn’t the best. He’s the worst. He is a sexist jerk; he loves my older brother and treats me like dirt. The worst part is he warped my brother into a mini him. Before my mother left it was never like that, we all got treated fair. Mother left three years ago when I was thirteen. I cried in my room for days and my fathers angry towards my mother turn to hate towards all females. My brother, Mitch Deckers, of course treated my father like a god and followed not far behind. Don’t worry it gets worst, my family had turned me bitter toward the male gender. I was no better then them. The good part is we sometimes still act like family sometimes.

So here I was, making sandwiches and packing them away in paper bags for my brother and father.

“Sup Cassy?” Mitch said as he playfully hit the back of my head.

“Making you and dad lunch,” I scowled at him. He laughed and pushed me out of the way and started to make is own lunch.

“Go get ready for school,” he chuckled as he stuffed his finished lunch in his bag. One good thing about Mitch was he was only a dick in front of my dad.

“Thanks,” I said before running up to my room.

My room was small, just enough room for my bed, dresser, desk and full length mirror that hung by the door. It had light blue walls and everything else was white.

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself. I looked nothing like my father, thank god. My hair was shoulder length and blond, my eyes were piercing green and never showed emotion, my figure was petite but curvy. I looked like my mother. I still missed her everyday. I sighed and grabbed my hair brush from my bag and started ripping it through my hair. I smiled, grabbed my jacket and ran for the door.

“Cassandra!” I stopped and turned from the front door, thankful it was only Mitch.

“What?” I asked as I grabbed my bag from its hook.

“Need a ride?” he asked as he threw me a sandwich.


“I just don’t think it’s working out,” Kurtis sighed as he leaned against his locker.

“Okay!” I said.

“Your not mad?” he asked, his brown eyes studied my face.

“If you didn’t do I was goanna,” I smiled and started to class, leaving the schools biggest player gaping at me.

I continued walking until I got to my locker halfway down the hallway, I winked at Kurtis. He turned and stalked down the hallway.

“Hey you!” called a voice from behind. I opened my locker and turned to see Misty Dangelo staring at me with a huge grin on her face.

“Hey Missy” I greeted my best friend. “How are you?”

“No, no,” she scowled, “how are you? Kurtis just broke up with you.”

“Wow, word gets out fast,” I sighed and pulled some books from my locker.

“Nah, I just heard him bad mouthing you to all his friends,” she sighed. “What a jerk.”

“I am over him,” I said. She smile and walked with me to first period, math. We sat in our normal seats.

Misty started talking about normal life, I was semi listening but my eyes landed on something more interesting, a new kid.

“And that’s why I am never…” I cut Misty off,

“Who’s that’s” I nonchalantly titled my head in the new kids direction. Misty leaned in and looked were I was pointing.

“You mean the black haired beauty?” she giggled. “That is Drew Turnner.”

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