Those Three Years

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'Hi," she whispered.

"What are you doing here?" I stuttered. My eyes were glued on her but I felt as though I couldn't move.

"I saw you on the news."

"When was I on the news?" my voice was a little more harsh then I figured.

"I was a story about a car crash, you were standing in the background with some boy."

"That boy just so happens to be my boyfriend, who is the son of the crash victim." Even while fighting I felt like defending him. Some boy my ass, that boy held the heart that my mother crushed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. Is his father okay?"

I felt the sudden erge to slap her. She walks in here, I have no clue how she even got in, and acts like nothing happened. It didn't make sense. Why now, in one of my most diffualt sitations?

"What do you want? How did you find my apartment and how the hell did you get in?" I had more questions but I knew she couldn't awsner them all.

"I am worried about you," she whispered. "It's not like you and Mitch to runaway."

"Runaway? Is that what you thought happened? We had to escape! If you hadn't left we wouldn't have had too!" I started to walk toward her as my anger grew. She just sat in her seat like she was roped to it.

"I would have took you with but I didn't have the money!"

"Then maybe you should have stayed with us," I hissed.

"He was beating me," she whispered. Before I knew what was happening she started to cry. She put her head on the table and sobbed. Not knowing what else to do I hugged her. Never in my life have I seen her cry and that scared me beyond words.


We were seated at the kitchen table, Mitch and I sat parellel from mom. She had calmed down not long before Micth came home. After had a freak out like me we all settled in the living room.

"Start from the begining," I told mom as I settled in the couch.

"Everything was great after Casey was born. We had the house, good jobs but then your father started drink. All those 'meetings' I told you he was at was a lie. He was at the bar, then he would come home at night, after you two were in bed. Your father was an angry drunk, little things set him off," her voice faultered at the memory.

"I think we get what happened next," Mitch said, allowing her to skip that part.

"After two years of that I was tired, you must understand that when I left I knew you would be safe. I knew your father would never harm you. After leaving I searched for my sister, eventhough we have a choppy relationship she couldn't turn down her own sister. I finally found her after staying in a hotel for a couple weeks. Luckily she let me stay with her until I found a job."

"Hold up! You have a sister?" I groaned.

"You havent seen her since you were little, like I said, we have a choppy relationship. Anyways, I was only at her house for a short time before getting a nursing position at the hospital in the next town over. I spent those three years there."

"You were that close and you couldn't contacted us?" Mitch spat.

"If I tried your father would find out," she spat back.

"How did you find us?" I asked beofre Mitch could say anything else.

"Once I saw you on the news I took the risk and contacted your father. She told me you ran away so I contacted alot of different people until I found you," she explained.

"So what exactly are you doing here?" I asked.

"I want you two to move in with me."

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