If it's okay

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Chapter Three

We stepped out into the warm April air and made our way into the Mocha Monkey. The Mocha Monkey was a small café decorated in bright colors, it always smelled of coffee and muffins. Most people that hangout there are teens.

I spotted our group in a booth in the corner and pointed them out of Misty. We walked over to the booth and sat in the two empty places, mine seat just so happened to be by Drew.

“Hi,” Selena said as she flipped her strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder.

“Hey,” I mumbled.

“Hey!” a lady suddenly appeared at the end of our table. She was a small woman with smoky gray eyes, short blonde hair and was wearing a waitress uniform. She smiled with bright pink lips. “What came I get for ya’?”

We all quickly ordered, I got an ice coffee, and the waitress danced away.

“Did you hear what happened to Taylor the other day?” Kristi started off the conversation. Selena’s green eyes lit up at the word of gossip.

“Yes!” Lillie gasped, bouncing in her seat lightly. I zoned out then, I have never been one for gossip, although Misty seemed really into it. I was strangely aware of Drew next to me, when he shifted, sighed and even breathed.

“Cassandra?” Lillie shook her hand in front of me.

“What?” I asked, shaking myself from my daze.

“Your coffee,” she giggled, handing me my coffee.

“Thanks,” I mumbled in embarrassment.

“Cassandra!” someone yelled. I didn’t zone out again. Did I?

“Cassandra!” I turned around to see my father storming into the café, Mitch behind him helplessly trying to pull him back. I sunk lower into my seat.

“Where is she?” he boomed.

“Sir, if you don’t calm down I am going to have to ask you to leave,” said the waitress. My father just growled at her and started walking further to the back of the café, toward my table.

“Hide me,” I whispered to Misty as I ducked under the table.

“Dad,” I heard Mitch say, “Just drop it. She’s not here.”

“Yes she is!” he boomed. Slowly I pulled myself up, stepped over Misty and faced my father.

“Yes I am here,” I said, suddenly hit with confidents.

“You are coming home now!” he yelled. He grabbed my arm and started pulling me toward the door.

“You are hurting me!” I shrieked. Suddenly Drew was on his feet, he casually stepped in-between my father and me.

“I will drive you daughter home,” he said, “if it’s okay with you.”

“What are you, her boyfriend?” my dad snorted.

“Not yet,” Drew said, a smirk playing on his lips. My mouth dropped open and my dad’s eyes went wide.

“Huh?” was all I managed to say.

“You can drive her home,” Mitch said as he pulled my dumbfounded father out the door. He threw me a quick wink before the door closed.

“I don’t want to go home,” I sputtered. Misty stood up and wrapped her arms around me, cooing reassuring thoughts into my ear. Soon my shock had worn off and Drew grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the door. Funny how such a small gesture can make my heart flutter at such a bad time. He opened the passenger door to a red car and slowly lowered me in.

“Where too?” he asked once he was in the drivers seat, he quickly wrote something on a green sticky note. I told him my address and he hit the gas.

“Did you mean it?” I asked once we had pulled onto the road.

“Mean what?” he asked.

“About being my boyfriend,” I sighed.

“Yes,” he said, “but not now.”

“Why not?” I asked, heart aching.

“You obviously have too much going on already,” he sighed as he pulled up in front of my house.

“Bye,” I mumbled before hopping from the car. I was about to close the door when Aaron reached his arm out and handed me a green sticky note. I smiled at him and ran to the house, stopping at the door to read the note. It said; if you need anything call me at 123-456-788.


That chapter wasn't even in the original plan! I like it though!! I think my plan just got dumped, I got a better one!!

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