Speaking of Bills

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Drew didn't call me the next day, nor the next. I tried calling him over and over but no he didn't pick up the first time, or the second or the third.. Finally I gave up and didn't bother trying to talk to him until the next Monday. I saw Drew in the hallway leaning against his locker, his eyes had black circles around them and his hair was a messy tuff on his head.

"Hey," I said as approached Drew, "how are you doing?"

"I don't know," Drew slurred as he threw his arm around me. I inhaled his scent and burred her head in his jacket. I pulled away when I smelled something funny.

"I was worried about yo--," I cut off mid-sentence. "Were you drinking?"

"What?" Drew hiccuped. "No, okay a little."

I pulled away from him and ran down the hallway.

"What'd I do?" Drew called after me. I kept walking until I got to the bathroom then I slammed the stall door shut and fell to my knees. I ran my fingers through my hair and tried to hold my weight up on my shaking knees. 

How could he? If he was that worried about his dad he could have talked to me. I didn't think he was stupid enough to start drinking.

I heard the bathroom door open and someone walk in.

"Cass?"  Misty said. I opened the stall door and collapsed into her arms.

"How did you know where to find me?" I asked.

"I saw Drew, he told me you just ran off," he whispered.I cleaned myself off and soon my pity turned to anger.

"I didn't just run off, he was drinking," I scoffed. 

"You're kidding!" Misty gasped.

"No, I am not," I slashed water onto my face and wiped it off with a paper towel. "I could smell it on him."

"What are you going to do?" Misty asked.

"If only I knew."


"Mitch?" I called into the dark, empty apartment. Where does that boy go?

I headed for the small kitchen and dug around in the half empty fridge. Junk, junk, junk and more junk! I sighed and slammed the fridge door shut then marched to the living room. I reached for the remote but never did pick it up. A wad of cash distracted me. It was fifty dollars and a note. The note read; Get some real food 8) -Mitch.

After stuffing the money in my pocket I walked out the apartment door. I ran the length of the stairs and burst through the front doors. After walking a few blocks to the grocery store I found myself in front of the fruits and vegetables. Carrots, apples, bananas, grapes and oranges all went into the cart. I maneuvered the cart to the check out and the cashier and I went through the check out process. With two bags thrown over my shoulder I started a short walk home, noting stores to visit to pass the time.

All of a sudden I heard a perverted  whistle come from the alley I was walking by. I turned my head and glared at the man, my eyes landed on the youngest of the group, Drew. Drew hit one of the older guys and ran toward me.

"Can you explain what the hell happened this morning," he hissed.

"I have nothing to explain! You were the drunk one," I snapped. I turned to walk away but he followed me.

"Okay, so I had a few drinks before school, is that so bad?" Drew whined.

"Who were those guys?" I hollered, "the ones who looked way to old to be hanging out with a seventeen year old."

"They-- they were...friends..." Drew stuttered.

"What kind of friends? The one who got you drunk?" I sneered.

"So what if they were!" he was following me up the stairs to my apartment now.

"What else have they got you doing?" I questioned.

"Nothing, I swear," he promised.

"You better come to school sober tomorrow," I sighed before closing the door.

I wasn't hungry anymore so I put the food in the fridge and the left over cash on the counter. After wiping a few stray tears off my eyes I lay on the couch.

"I thought I heard someone come in," Mitch said as he walked out of the bathroom. His eyebrows turned down when he saw me. "What happened?"

"Drew just isn't being himself," I sighed.

"I knew he would cause trouble. What'd he do?"

"Oh, just came to school drunk then when I went to get food I saw him hanging out with older guys. I bet they were druggies," I hissed.

"Want be to kick his ass?" Mitch chuckled as he went into the kitchen.

"No, I need you to pay the bills," I laughed.

"Speaking of bills..."his voice trailed off as he sat on the couch next to me.

"What is it?"

"I am dropping out of school and getting a job at the saw mill," Mitch confessed.

"What!?!" As a reflex reaction I smacked his arm.

"What else do you expect me to do? Neither of us can go to college, we don't have the cash! We both know you are the smart one, if one of us is going it will be you!"

"You can't possible think that way! There are scholarships and student loans we can try out for," I whimpered.

We have to pay back student loans and scholarships won't pay our full way in!" he did have a point.

"At least finish high school," I hissed, "please."

"Sorry Cassie," he gave me a sad smile before going into his room.

Fuck my Life...

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