Things will get better

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Chapter Six

“How mad is he?” I asked Mitch the next day.

“Well…” he said as he closed his locker door.

“That bad?” I sighed. I started to nervously bit at my lip.

“Yeah,” Mitch sighed. “Don’t worry though; I almost have enough money to get an apartment. I am going to explain to my boss what happened and see if I can get a raise.”

“Okay, let me know how it goes,” I said.

“I’ll call your cell tonight,” Mitch sighed.

“Okay,” I said before waving goodbye and walking to the lunchroom. I saw Misty sitting at our normal table so, naturally, I walked up to it.

“Hey!” she said once I sat down. “How’s life?”

“You really wanna know?” I sighed before biting into my apple.

“Oh, it can’t be that bad,” said a voice behind me, a voice I recognized. A goofy smile played on my lips but was quickly wiped off so I didn’t look like a weirdo.

“It is,” I said frowning as I turned to see Drew. He sat beside me, Misty shooting me a quick smile, and wrapped his arm around me.

“Things will get better,” he whispered in my ear.

“I hope,” I sighed.


I sat on the bed in Misty’s guest room with my phone in front of me and homework scattered everywhere else. I watched the phone, waiting for it to light up with a call from Mitch. Suddenly my phone started to blast ‘Firework’ by Katy Perry. I snatched it up from the bed like the last cookie and put it to my ear.

“Hey,” I said into the phone.

“Hi,” Mitch sighed.

“What did you boss say?” I asked.

“Well,” Mitch sighed, “he gave me a raise!”

“Yay!” I shrieked. “Will you be able to get the apartment?”

“Already got it,” he said. “We move in on Saturday!”

“What’s today?” I asked.

“Thursday!” he replied. “I have the key now and we can move our stuff in anytime.”

“Does dad know?” I asked, suddenly worried about how I was going to move my stuff.

“Not yet,” he sighed. “I will tell him once everything is in the apartment.”

“How will I get my stuff?” I asked.

“He will be gone tomorrow, I don’t know why, but you can come by then,” he said.

“Okay,” I said.

“I got to go but before I do can you ask around and see if anyone has a truck we can borrow?” he asked.

“I will,” I promised. “Bye.”


I pushed the end button on my phone and started dialing another number. I put the phone to my ear and waited while it rang.

“Hello,” said Drew on the other end of the phone.

“Het, it’s me,” I said.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“Nothing to important,” I lied. “Mitch got an apartment.”

“Cool, when are you moving in?” he asked.

“We are moving our stuff in tomorrow but not moving in until Saturday,” I explained.

“Need help moving in?” he asked.

“Maybe,” I sighed, “we do need a truck though. Know anyone who has on?”

“My dad,” he said. “Want me to ask him if we can borrow it?”

“That would be great!” I cried.

“Okay I will let you know if you can use it,” he said.

“Okay, bye,” I said.

“Bye,” he breathed.

I hung up the phone and looked around the room, after deciding there was nothing in the guestroom to do I walked over to Misty’s room.

“Hey!” I bellowed.

“Wazz up?” he asked, popping her ‘p’.

“Nothing, Mitch got the apartment,” I announced.

“Awesome, when you guys moving in?” she asked.

“Moving our stuff in tomorrow and moving in Saturday,” I confirmed.

“We have school tomorrow,” Misty reminded me.

“I guess I will skip,” I shrugged.

“Lucky you,” she snorted.

“Lucky me,” I said with a mocking grin. “Want to watch a movie?”

“Sure,” she said will she threw her homework to the side.

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