Arc 3 : 3.1 : General's betrothed Prince

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Coco flew and land beside Ian's ear. "Host. Host wake up."

Ian opened his eyes. His black hair scattered in the bed like flowing river. His eyes are like blue ocean. He stood up and rubbed his eyes. "This body is very strong. I will enjoy it very much."

His hairs are too long. So he tied his scattered hair in a pony.

Ian above

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Ian above.

[A/N : This pictures have their own owner. I am just borrowing them. The earlier ones in the Arc-1 or 2 also have their respective owners]

Ian at last tied all his hair and sighed "okay. Now tell me the story background."

Coco. "...." Am I a story teller in host's mind? Wuwu ( T ~ T ).

This world is an ancient chinese world. The original owner is General Ian of Yan Kingdom. His full name is Feng Sian There are 5 kingdoms in total. Yan, Lan, Dong, Yin and Quo Kingdom. The current emperor Yan ChuFeng is very good to General Ian as General Ian is also very loyal to the emperor. After all they grew up together. So Emperor Yan betrothed his only brother Yan ChuNian to General Ian. Former Emperor had issued Same sex marriage. There is only a wife who is current Empress and two concubines in the palace, Concubine Lu and Concubine Yin. After wining the battle with Dong Kingdom, General Ian returned to the capital. Emperor arranged a banquet for the return of the war heroes and for the Soldiers.

Great Prince Yan ChuNian was also present that day. But he had to go back because of feeling sick. General Ian felt that the great prince didn't respect the soldiers. He was very angry but stayed silent. He went to meet the great prince but listened someone moaning in great prince's room. So he left embrassed and angry. After that Dong Kingdom once again attacked Yan Kingdom. But this time they are more ferocious. They defeated the Yan Kingdom. General Ian was sent back to capital half dead. But the Emperor Yan again started the war and defeated the Dong Kingdom.

Done Kingdom revealed that General Ian has sent them the war tactics information.
So even if Emperor believed him. He had to sentenced him to death under influence of court ministers. Emperor just keep the life of young members of Feng Clan. Other than them all the members of Feng clan are executed.

Ian sighed. "You sure. We are doing S grade worlds. Earlier ones are easier than this."

Coco : Host they are all S grade. Just their level is different. First world after your promotion is S grade level 1. Second world is S grade level 2. This is S grade level 3.

Ian rolled his eyes. "Oh. Tell me original owner's wishes and where am I now."


Original winner's wishes.
1. Defeat the Dong Kingdom and save his family.
2. Reveal the truth that he didn't betrayed the kingdom.
3. Marry the Great Prince.

Main Mission : Take revenge for Original Owner.
Side Mission : ???
Hidden Mission : ???

Coco : you are returning to capital tomorrow after winning the battle with Dong Kingdom.

Ian frowned "Are you kidding me. You are saying me to marry another boy except for my hubby? How do you think my hubby will react?"

Coco : Then Don't complete the mission. It will only cut 10 times the points.

Ian furrowed his brows. " yes. We only can do it. I also have to cancel the betrothal."

Coco : "...."

Ian looked at the bird " change yourself into a Black Wolf."

Coco : "...." okay.

Coco shined and at the place of the eagle a black Wolf is sitting. The Wolf jumped from the bed and licked his paws.

Ian patted his head. "Good"

A soldier interrupted their good time "General. It's dinner time."

Ian came out of his tent with Coco.

Every soldier became alert and looked at Coco like they are looking at enemy.

Ian looked at them " let's eat." Then he felt their gaze at Coco. "Oh. He is Coco, my friend. Don't worry he will not attack anyone."

After confirming, the soldiers relaxed.

Ian ate and feed Coco himself.

The soldiers almost got heart attack on seeing their General feeding a ferocious beast and the beast is also enjoying the food cheerfully.

The soldiers almost got heart attack on seeing their General feeding a ferocious beast and the beast is also enjoying the food cheerfully

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Coco above ( ● _ ~ )

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