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Ian licked his lips 'perfect' "you have to be disappointed but I recorded everything happened here. Wait it's still recording. Let me stop it."

Riley wanted to snatch the phone from Ian but Ian was standing in the stairs and Riley is down their with James.

Tristan interrupted "What's happening here?"

Riley sighed with relief. Everyone knows that Mr. Zones doesn't like his wife. "Mr. Zones. Mrs Zones really wronged me. He said I am disgusting."

Tristan frowned "who are you?"

Riley's eyes shined up. Did Mr. Zones took a interest on her. Who wants James if she can have Mr. Zones. "My name is Riley. Mr. Zones. Please help me." She tried to hug Tristan's arm but Tristan dodged.

Riley's target missed and she pouted.

James frowned "she is my girlfriend. Mr. Zones. My Ruth family have some business with you."

Riley shook her head "no. We don't have any relation. He...He is just chasing me. Can you help me please."

James staggered a step back.  What's Riley saying.

Tristan sneered "my wife is right. You are really disgusting."

Riley's action frozed

(A/N : headshot ×2 😂😁)

Tristan walked towards Ian "wifey I am here to take you home."

Ian smiled and hugged his arms "okay but let them listen the recording first" 

Ian started the recording.

The more they listen the more their face became gloomy.

James slapped Riley hard in her cheek. "B*tch. You really wants to hook up with anyone rich."

Ian and Tristan ignored them and walked away from their and ivy and Olivia followed them. But the recording was posted on the university forum.

No matter where Riley goes, everyone is pointing their fingers towards her or whispering among them when they see her.

Next they a file is delivered to Ian's maternal family. Ian's uncle was not home that time. So his aunt opened the file. There was 2 DNA REPORTS and a video recording in it. Ian's aunt fainted.

Ian visited his aunt in the hospital. When his aunt saw him, she grabbed his hands "can you...Can you  bring lily here please."

Ian nodded and came back with lily after almost 2 hour.

His aunt burst into tears after seeing lily "my daughter....My poor daughter..."

Lily was confused so Ian let her see the DNA reports. She lived at orphanage when she was a child so she was happy when she found her real family.

Ian patted her head "Call me cousin. Little sister."

Lily pouted "I am 5 months older that you."

Ian sighed. "Okay I am the little brother"

Riley came in with Ian's uncld and yelled "Why are they here? Mum mum. You don't know. They made my life hell..."

Ian's aunt interrupted her with a slap "Shut up and kneel."

Ian's uncle hugged his wife "wife. Calm down. What happened."

Ian saw his aunt looking at him so he gave the reports to his uncle. His uncle sighed "I know that Riley is not our biological daughter but the hospital told me that my daughter is dead so I adopted a baby. I am sorry my dear. But why is Riley kneeling."


Hidden mission completed : Find Lily's identity

Ian let him saw the video. His uncle looked at Riley "Just where our teachings go. Did we didn't teach you manners. Did you ever missed anything you want then why are you so greedy. You are going abroad. I will send you your pocket money every months but you will be only our daughter in name from now."

Riley screamed and attacked Lily. "Everything happened because of you. I will kill you"

Ian tried to separate them and as a result Riley attacked him.

But fortunately Tristan came in time and separated them. "Fortunately I received the mission to protect my wife. Otherwise I don't know what would have happened."

Riley was forced to signed a agreement and was sent abroad.


Mission Completed : Expose Riley's true face.

That night Tristan pushed Ian into bed and bite his ears while whispering "Wifey~. Let's makes babies. Hubby wants a baby."

Ian blushed and sunk into pleasure.

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