Arc 15 : 15.1 : Tribe leaders.

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Ian felt weak when he regained his consciousness. He opened his eyes and sat up on the sat grass 'Coco'

Coco : Host.

Ian saw a tree beside him and leaned on it. His head was in pain. "Give me the background."

Coco : yes host.

Ian, the only son of the Tribe leader. He could be the next Tribe leader but he was very weak and an omega. So the Tribe leader wanted to marry Ian to a strong Alpha. The Wolf Tribe is called BlueMoon. Because they worship the Moon Goddess Luna. But Ian didn't want to marry so soon and thought it was his birth right to be the next tribe leader. But BlueMoon Tribe only worshipped the strongs.  Even if the Tribe leader loved his only son, he couldn't abandon the whole Tribe. So he wanted to select the best husband for his son. But Ian escaped from the marriage on the selection day and met a pack of wild Wolves in the forest. It was good that they met another beast which looked like a Lion which don't like to eat prey of another hunter. So he didn't eat Ian but Ian was already at his last breath. Ian transmigrated here at the moment Original owner took his last breath.

Ian sighed 'Fool.' He wanted to shift his form as the Wolf but couldn't. Because original Ian died, the original Wolf also died. 'Coco be my Wolf. Check the appearance of original owner's Wolf and changed into it.'

A white and black Wolf appeared in front of Ian and Ian felt the link between them. Ian shifted in the same form as Coco.

Ian nodded "Okay disappear now"

Coco : "....." whatever you wish.

Ian pushed his weak body towards the tribe according to the body's memories.

The Tribe was already at chaos when they couldn't find the son of the Tribe leader, the Prince. Even if the Prince was weak, he was the only prince of the tribe. The tribe couldn't abandoned its prince. Tribe leader's wife was crying. She was a beautiful female omega in the Tribe in her prime. Because Tribe Leader got poisoned by a snake. He couldn't produce more offspring. The couple only have that one omega son.

The Tribe leader was a tanned muscular man. They have enough resources to feed the Tribe. Even if it was not like the Modern society. They had enough graceful clothes and have developed to the extent that they don't have to think about the winter problems.


The Tribe leader looked up and saw the wounded Ian. The Tribe leader hold Ian to prevent him from falling.
Ian blurted out again "Father"

The Tribe leader was anxious "What happened to you? Who did this? Tell your father. Father will kill them. Okay?"

Ian smiled but the smile was very painful for the Tribe members. The Tribe members never saw their Prince like this. The Prince was always moody.

Tribe leader's wife hugged her son "Mother is sorry. Mother didn't care for you. Don't leave mother again okay." She kissed Ian's head and hugged him.

Ian patted his mother's back "I am alright but there are Wolves roaming at the boundary of our Tribe. Can you check them again. I killed a few of them then a lion came there I fled back here."

The Tribe leader was surprised but he looked carefully at his son. Ian really had claw marks in his body. "Ask the Priest to come here. Say him that the Prince is injured."

Ian was very tired. He fainted in the arm of Tribe leader's wife.



There was a tensed atmosphere around the Tribe.


Okay this is the new arc. Tell me about your opinion..

. I found my birth certificate today and came to know that I am not an adult yet.😑😑 I always thought my birthday is at 14-10-2002 according to my certificates. but Today I confirmed that my birthdate is "14-10-2003"

😖😖😖ahhhh there are 4 more months till I will be 18.

Thank you for reading and voting....Take care of yourself....xoxo...❤


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