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Ian and Kim were locked in the car surrounded by the zombie. Ian could use how water ability but he is trying to stimulate the fire ability like the original owner.

Coco : "..." original owner is a sunny boy and you are cold as ice. The difference in ability is not strange.

If Ian could hear Coco's inner thought than he would tell him 'Ask my hubby if I am cold'

Kim was very scared when they were surrounded by the zombie. Ian didn't stopped the car and ran over the zombie but the zombies still chased them. Ian put coco in the backpack "get off the car."

Kim looked at Ian who was about to get off. So he also got off the car. Now the zombies surrounded them completely. Ian still didn't used his water ability because he was feeling a warm feeling in his body like the cool feeling he felt at morning. But a zombie attacked him from behind. Ian was going to attack when a stone barrier stood in between Ian and the Zombie and smashed the zombied.

It was Kim. Kim got stimulated and developed Earth ability. Kim was very sacred. His ability was unstable.

Ian didn't have time to comfort him. He was busy fighting with the zombies with his fire ability. Yes he has successfully triggered the fire ability within him. He grabbed Kim and started to run.

Ian heard sound of fighting. He changed the water bolts into ice arrows and threw them towards the Zombie

There are a man and a woman fighting with the zombies. They looked alertly at Ian and Kim. Ian didn't care and continued to fight and soon zombies are cleared. Ian sat in front of Kim "Are you okay"

Kim's eyes teared up "Am I a monster. I killed a man."

Ian sighed "They are not human anymore. Okay. And see I have abilities too. Am I monster. No?"

Kim looked at Ian's hands. One hand had water bolt where another had fire bolt. Very contradictory.

Ian saw Kim calming down when he heard a voice "Excuse me?"

Ian looked at the man and woman staring at him. The woman opened her mouth "are abilities like this." She spreads her hand and the seed slowly sprouted.

Ian nodded "Plant ability..."

The woman cried and hugged the man beside him. "I am not a monster. Sniff*"

Ian signalled them to follow him and grabbed Kim and pulled him towards a mini bus parked near the supermarket. Fortunately they have found the key of the mini bus inserter in the key hole. "Do any of you know how to drive this."

The man nodded "I know. Hello my name is Kay and this is my girlfriend Rita. We were going to marry soon but now...."

Ian patted him on the shoulder "it's okay. I am Ian. I have two abilities fire and water. He is Kim. Just developed a earth ability."

Kay shooked his head "I don't have any abilities but she had...you said plant or something."

Ian nodded "yes. Very useful one....it's the hope of the future. Ah..I am going to Base A will you both come with me."

Kay was stunned that someone will believe them and let them go with him. "Let me ask Rita."

Ian looked at the couple "Coco..their identity?"

Coco : you are finding them very easily host. Kay and Rita, a engaged pair. They are very strong teammates. They are also the supposed first teammates of your team. Later they suggested Ian to form a team. Host, look outside.

A boy with a gun pointing to the van walked out from the supermarket towards them.

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