Last Chance

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It was hard to say the least comming home and seeing food Sparrow made for them sitting on the table covered up with plastic wrap. Barely any of them could step food in the kitchen or even look at it without seeing Sparrow in it. Without hearing her scold Loki and Thor, without smelling the food she made every night since she some how rest herself. The day she died was the day they all relized she gave them something that they needed so badly. A connection not just to her but to each other that could never be broken. Peter blamed himself for her killing herself but they all knew she knew how this was going to end they all did. Either she was going to die to protect them or they were going to have to kill her. Once Peter was taken it was just a matter of time before she was going to face her brother. He was stronger then she was and with her still under hydra control she didn't stand a chance. All she did was buy them time to get away and to regroup.

She was not just an agent to them she was the greatest friend she had, she even broke threw Loki's hard shell so easily and he was mad for it. He lost two mothers and a friend that made him feel safe enough for him to show his ice giant form without felling judged by it. There was no way anyone could replace her or even come close to her.

Sparrow missed the birth of Tony's first daughter and missed out some of the Avengers getting boyfriends and girlfriends. They still couldnt even pass the kitchen without seeing her back facing them and hearing her him as she cooked. Even though her grave was empty they would visit her. All of them would until the wound was healed. They were going to bring David to justice for making one of there own chose to take her life rather then kill the children she loved. Even though it was her choice, he was the one who ordered her to kill them after she almost reverted back to a hydra agent. For the first time in four months. There was no food in the kitchen at all just because none of the Avengers could even stand to look at it. All the things that Sparrow used were where she left it and none of them could bare to move it. Even her room was the same as it was the day she died. The kitchen was dusty and he sighed a bit as he was going to be the first person to put anything in the frige again. He started to whip the counters down the chairs.

"Can you pass me the Peper and salt the potatoes need some more seasioning," he heard Sparrow say as he touched the Peper and salt shaker.

"Clint get out of the vent! If you dont stop stealing my cookies I will make you clean and that is not a hollow threat its a promise!" He heard her yell as he looked at the vent.

"Thor pop tarts are not for lunch, do you know how much suger is in them?!" He heard Sparrow say to Thor as he looked at the suger contaner that was completly empty.

"Loki give me back my wooden spoons, I will put you over my knee if I have to!"

As he was putting stuff away he could hear her voice in everything. Anything he touched he remembered something she said or did. The way she moved and looked. The way she smiled. She loved making food for them and doing things with them. Even if she had no idea how to do ot she was always ready to learn.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" Bucky asked as Steve turned around to see all the Avengers there even Peter who took time off to recover from her loss.

"An empty kitchen is a waste, what is the point of having one if you aren't going to use it? Family is important, sitting down for one meal a day can bring us closer together. Sparrow would want us to. She said all that to me once, I mean about an empty kitchen," Steve said as Anthony nodded.

"She was right, for living in the worst place imaginable for so long I have no idea how she could ever even do half the things she did for us," Anthony said as he grabbed a rag to start cleaning off the dust.

"I know," Tony said as he held his sleeping daughter in his arms.

"Well I think I will set the table," Loki said.

"I will help," Thor said. The other avengers started cooking and after an hour or so everything was done. It was hard to even eat in there. Some of them just looked at the food while some took a few bites but it just wasn't right.

"This is a good start," Steve said as the whole room was deathly quite.

"Sparrow told me I should be an Avenger again. She also told me it wasnt my fault she died," Peter said softly.

"Any word on where we can find David?" Nat asked.

"No, he went underground for now. Probably happy that Sparrow died but we will get him," Steve said as he looked at the empty chair and for a second saw Sparrow sitting there eatting.

"You did good guys," she said as Steve looked away from the chair.

"Yeah, he won't win this time," Wanda said as she could almost hear Sparrow walking in a pair of heals behind her.

They cleaned up and went on there seprate ways. Steve went to her grave with a bottle of wine.

"Hey Sparrow, I know its been a couple days but I have been thinking a lot recently. You know I know you would want us to move on but its like you aren't dead at all. We hear you and see you still in the kitchen, in the halls, everywhere. I mean I never even got to say goodbye to you. Never got to apologize for thinking you didnt even want to go out on a date. You knew something we all didnt know. Well I know you will never have that second date with me but maybe this will work," Steve smiled as he opened the wine bottle.

"To you being not only being a great friend, a mother, but also protecting us until the end. We will give you justice some day. Hopefully soon," he said as he could feel her being next to him. He smiled as he poured himself a drink.

"I wonder what you are doing right now," he said as a throwing starbroke the glass and hit her gravestone. He paused and he looked at the throwing star. He slowly turned around to see Sparrow in her full gear staring at him.

"Oh my fucking god Sparrow?!" He yelled as she threw a second star but he doged it.

"Sparrow its me!"  Steve yelled as she got out her swords.

"Im not going to fight you! Sparrow its Steve! I'm not your enemy! David is!" He yelled as she tilted her head and then went after him. He took off running to the tower but she was catching up fast so he hid.

"Tony you are not going to belive this but," he paused as an arrow cut his face and he saw her standing on a near by car.

"Let me guess half price cheese burgers at McDonald's," Tony said as he himself had McDonald's.

"Sparrow is alive and is trying to kill me," he said as she pointed an arrow at him and he ducked.

"What?" He asked as he froze in place.

"Sparrow is alive!" He shouted as she made a car explode.

"Oh my God, Steve just run dont fight her run! She will not give up easily and if she is after you she will not stop hunting you down until you are dead!" He informed as Sparrow got infront of him quickly.

"I noticed," he said as she got out her swords.

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