The End of The Hundred Year war

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Tony made sure Pepper and the baby were safe while the others were waiting to take Sparrow down. They didn't want to but Sparrow would want them to kill her if she went after them agenst  her will.

"Tony, Peter, you need to leave now," Anthony said as he got his guns ready.

"We are fighting!" Peter protested.

"No, Peter you aren't. We can't have you fight her she is to strong for you to fight and if she kills you, she will never come back from that. Sparrow is a strong human being and something and it could be anything could make her become more hostile or come back," Tony said as the lights went out and a bomb went off destroying there chances of having a fair fight. Hydra agents quickly swarmed the building and started putting collars and cuffs on anyone that was in the room.

"Nicely done my beautiful  rose," a man laughed as steve was tossed in front of the avengers. 

"Steve?" Nat asked as her ears were ringing.

"I couldn't  stop her i tried everything, " he said weakly  as she stood there next to David  and a man in a suit.

"Well hello, my name is Dr. Sin and I belive you met my son Anthony and his uncle David. I do apologize  for the lack of David's  manners but when I turned him into a fighting  machine  and making him have uncomfortable  rage towards  Sparrow  here he lost his manners," he said as Anthony tried  breaking free.

Sparrow saw the pictures they had of her with everyone. She was in a dress or in different cloths with everyone. Even though they thought she was gone they couldn't  bare take down any of the pictures the Avenger had of her. She didn't recognize herself in them but the look that Peter gave as well as the rest of the avengers sparked  something. But she was able to get rid of it easily.

"Don't you dare say your my father she killed all the men she laid a hand on her!" He growled  as he smiled kindly at him and then the avengers could see the resemblance.

He had short white hair and glasses. He had cold blue eyes and a cane that he was holding in his left hand.

"Ah yes well except for me. Your mother did slaughter a lot of men that day but I was at a different  base and when I heard she had a son I was so happy but sadly I had work to do. I wanted her all to myself when she was a young girl. Her smile, her eyes, the way her bare skin felt agenst mine. It felt so right but of course  David  found out years later and tried to stop me but with a little bit of brainwashing and torcher its surprising  how easy it is to break a child's mind. I even got him to kill Anthony  but since he lived well perfect  opratunaty  to try out some new experiments on him," he smiled as he pulled Sparrow close to him and put her hand on her waist.

"You sick bastard! You took advantage  of a ten year old girl and her brother! No wonder Sparrow tried killing herself she knew!" Tony yelled.

"Actually no, she would have died  if it wasn't for the hydra brainwashing. She missed her heart by an inch. Funny how i program  things it works. You know if it wasn't for the winter soldier breaking free the first time Sparrow would have been mine permanently  but she has a strong will. Anyway enough talk I am board. How about you kill that young boy first Sparrow. I know you are dying for an extra kill," he smiled as she nodded.

"Take him into one of the rooms over there. I want them to suffer," he smiled as she nodded and walked over to Peter and grabbed him by the back of the shirt and dragged him away.

"He is just a kid!" Tony yelled as he smiled.

"So was Sparrow  when she first killed someone. A little younger then the boy but I'm sure one day he might try to kill me like how Anthony  has been plotting for years agenst his own mother, funny he should have killed her when he had the chance. Now let's see who I should make into minions," he smiled as steve tried getting up but couldn't.

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