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"Loki, I swear if you hit your brother again, I will put you over my knee," Sparrow said as she could see Loki hitting Thor out of the corner of her eye.

"Thor started it! Im not gay!" Loki shouted then growled as Thor started to laugh. They were so wrapped up in their conversation that they didnt hear Sparrow walking right up to them with two wooden spoons.

She waked them both on their butts, and they both looked at her in shock.

"Thor, stop calling Loki gay; if he's not gay, stop making him mad. Loki, there is nothing wrong with being gay; back when I was around, it meant happy, given it has a different meaning now, but there is nothing wrong with it. If I catch you pestering each other again, I will make you clean the kitchen from top to bottom!" She hissed as she looked at them both.

"Do I make myself clear? Loki also you can hide, but you know I can tell if your mortgages are fake; you maybe be able to fool everyone else, but I will find you, and I will handcuff you to your brother if you don't take the punishment I give you," she added as Loki smiled sheepishly.

"Fine," he said as she smelled Clint's colone, it wasn't strong by any means, but her senses were significantly heightened by the experiments they did on her.

"Clint, get out of the vent! You touch my cookies, and I will make you clean the gym white-glove style," she yelled.

Clint laid there in the ven and tried to figure out how in the world she knew it was him. He got out of the vent, and he saw the angry look in her eyes, and he quickly looked away and didn't make eye contact with her.

"Sparrow!" Peter yelled as he had books in his hands.

"Hi Peter, diner is almost ready. Would your aunt like to come over im making spaghetti with steak and mashed potatoes with green beans," she said as peter paused.

"That's a lot Sparrow," he paused as he saw he was here wearing a dress and short black heels. Her hair was in a ponytail and then braided.

This was new. Yesterday she nearly killed 50 people, and she had to relearn who peter was, and now she was making food for everyone.

"You are a growing boy; first off and second, I haven't made a decent dinner since 1919; this is what I made, and I want to see if I can do it again with out messing up. The cookies are your and Toneys favorite, but they are for everyone after dinner. Peper is the only exception since she is pregnant," Sparrow said as Steve and bucky walked into the living room and getting a glimpse of a girl cooking.

"Who's that?" Bucky asked as Bucky thought she looked hot.

"I have no clue," Steve said as they were now standing by Peter.

"Bucky, Steve, I hope you are staying for dinner," Sparrow said as she saw them in the toaster reflection.

Bucky jumped a bit, seeing as it was Sparrow in a dress.

"Sparrow?" Steve asked, confused.

"Yes? If you want to help, all I need to be done are the mashed potatoes to be lightly salted," she said as he was in shock.

"What the hell?" Banner said, beyond confused as he also saw Sparrow cooking and started to make the table.

"Thor, Loki, I need your help making the table!" She yelled as they both were by the elevator, arguing.

"One!" She shouted and they both stopped and headed to Sparrows side.

"My anut is comming," peter said smiling as he never thought those two would actully lission to her.

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