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It was the end of the school year and he was beyond happy about that but the only thing that could make it better was seeing Sparrow. He hadn't gotten to see her since T'cal took her away to Wakada  to try to help her and hadn't heard since and that was months ago. Her brother was a lot harder to try to free because he had been brainwashed for so long. But Sparrow was strong and remembering what she sacrificed for Tony she was a fighter.

"So when do you think Sparrow will be alright I really want to met her," Ned said.

"I don't know, I really wish I could just see her again. I miss her a lot, everyone does but nothing seems to be helping her," peter sighed.

"At least she isn't suffering," Ned said as peter  nodded.

Peter's phone rang and he answered it seeing it was Anthony.

"So change of plans Tony needs you at the tower he needs help but of course won't ask for it," he sighed as Peter looked over at Ned.

"Sure, can Ned come over he might be able to help to. Even if it is just for moral support,"Peter smiled.

"Don't see why not, I will let happy now," he informed.

"Any news on Sparrow and her brother?" He asked.

"Nothing still, no change. She might not come back Peter I'm afraid. But all we can do is hope right? I am sending someone to pick you up right now," he said as Peter started to look for his ride.

"Yeah, if anything changes will you let me know?" He asked.

"You will be the second one to know other then me," he said.

"Great okay, thanks," he said as he hung up and sighed, " we are going to be picked up but I don't know by who."

"Oh, that's cool. You know Peter Sparrow taught you how to drive, you just need to buy a car," he informed.

"Do you know how expensive they are?!" Peter asked.

"They weren't really that expensive back when I was alive. But of course things changed over the hundred plus years I have been alive," a fimilar voice said as peter froze in place.

He turned around slowly and saw a girl with scars up and down her arms and legs wearing a pokeadot dress that was black and white. Her long black hair and blue eyes made him shake a bit.

"Sparrow!" He nearly yelled as he dropped everything he had and ran to her at full speed.

"Sparrow!" He yelled as he hugged her tightly and began to cry as she held him.

"Hello love, why are you crying?" She asked as she he was sobbing.

"I thought you were gone," peter said as she smiled at him.

"No one is ever really gone you know, not even the bad people. As long as you remember they will still be with you. Now tell me who your friend is and if I need to make room for him at the table," Sparrow said as Ned smiled and she took him and Ned home.

"Any word about your mom?" Steve asked as Anthony sighed.

"Nope, she might be there a while longer," he sighed.

"I'm really sorry, hopefully she will get to come back soon," Steve said as Tony was sipping a drink.

"I know you are worried about her but deprograming is going to take a long time maybe two years," Tony informed.

"Ned is staying for dinner!" Peter shouted happily.

"No one is making anything," Tony informed.

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