Broken Body Broken Mind

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After a long surgery, Nick agreed to keep her on the ship under one condition. She had to restrain, and in a collar so she wouldn't hurt anyone. Tony hated the thought of it, but after hearing what her body looked like, he had no choice. Scars on top of scars. Her whole body was covered in them from head to toe except for her face. Tony could remember how she was when she met him for the first time. She started to cry a little as soon as she saw him, and that broke Tony inside as he remembered that memory. Her repeating that they wanted her to kill a six-year-old boy, and she couldn't do it not for him. She gave her life to protect him, and he couldn't thank her enough for giving him extra years with his parents. They found a flash drive in one of her pockets, and it contained information about hydra, a lot of it. She must have tried to get away mutipul times over the years because almost the same story was on it at least seven different times from what Tony had found. Tony saw the black rose project with a picture of her on it, and he wanted to delete it so severely, but he couldn't need to find out what happened to her. But he couldn't watch it alone.

Tony walked into her room and felt overwhelming sadness as he saw her restrained in her bed. He loosened her wrist restraints a bit and pulled up a chair next to her, and put touched her scared hand.

"Thank you for everything, Sparrow. I thought you would forget about me, but I guess you didn't. Im going to try to save you; I hope I can," he said as her hands slowly turned into fits, and they turned white-knuckled, and her heart rate increases quickly.

"Come on, wake up," he said as she woke up, and she started screaming, making the tony jump. She started thrashing around violently, and when she got free, she tackled tony to the ground and was trying to take him apart.

The banner came in and saw Sparrow's insane look in her eyes, and she screamed and attacked him.

"Sparrow stop your safe!" Tony yelled as he tried to pry her off the banner, but she kicked him off and jumped, threw the glass, and took off running.

"Oh shit," clint said as she ran to clint and took him down, and started to beat the hell out of him.

"Bucky! Steve!" Clint yelled as he tried to restrain her, but the look in her eyes was screaming to kill someone.

"Get off of me, you crazy bitch!" Clint yelled as he kicked her off him, and she landed on her side; and she quickly stole his knife and smiled. Her hair was insane and only being in a bra and shorts showed her scars. She screamed and tried to stab him. Steve grabbed her hand with the knife in it, and bucky quickly grabbed her other arm. She started thrashing around like an insane person, and she started screaming bloody murder. As they tried to calm her down, she dropped the knife, but she was trying to bite them now. Tony saw how panicked and angry she was.

"Tony, how do we keep her from killing people?!" Bucky yelled as she was thrashing and out of control.

"I won't let you kill him!" She screamed as she caught harder.

"Friday plays good night, moon!" Tony yelled as he got in her face and held her face.

"Sparrow, you're safe! My name is Tony; you saved me when I was a kid, remember? You remembered earlier, come on Sparrow, fight for me!" He said as she screamed louder as Friday was playing the story good night moon, and she slowly calmed down a bit, but she was still growling a bit at him.

"Protect!" She growled as she was fighting the two super soldiers.

"Im safe!" He yelled.

"Protect!" She screamed louder as she was trying to get free.

"Sparrow, who are you trying to protect?" He asked as she kicked Tony in the stomach, and he grabbed her legs, and she was going insane.

"I can get her something to put her to sleep!" Banner yelled as Tony froze.

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