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Peter woke up in a abandoned building tied to a chair. He had a collar on and panic filled him but Sparrows words calmed him a bit. This was her greatest fear for him. She taught him everything she could just incase something like this happened. So did Anthony so he felt a bit more confident that he could get away but where was he exactly. He could see his breath so it must be cold outside of they made it cold in here to make him stay awake longer when they torchered him. There was no one here oddly enough but as he was thinking he heard moaning and a girl start to tell profanities.

"That is disgusting!" He said to him self as he quickly unraviled the rope and untied his feet he hid behind a post while he quickly started to pull the wires lose.

Sure it was a bad idea but would you rather have eletical burns or get torchered to death?

"Where's the fucking kid at?!" The man yelled.

"I dont fucking know! I was to busy fucking you to care!" She yelled. He pulled out his gun and shot her three times making Peter jump.

"Come out and play boy, don't worry I wont hurt you boss wants you alive," he chuckled as peter needed a plan qnd fast. He could use his powers but what if they found out he did? They would try to turn him agenst them uf they could. He carefully grabed a small rock ad threw it the opposite direction he was. The man went to wear the sound was and Peter quickly put him in a choke hold abd squeezed as hard as he could. The man tried to get him off but since peter had powers he was able to hang on longer than normal.  The man fell to the ground and peter took his gun wallet and access card he only took the cash that was in it and quickly dragged the guy to the chair he was in and tied him up.

Peter had to get out of here quickly without being noticed which was going to be hard since he didnt look like hydra and he sure as hell didnt act like an agent. He snuck out after swiping the agents card at the door and hid behind a car when an alarm sounded. Agents started to rush around to look for him so he quickly got into the car and started to hot wire it carefully. He knew his chances were slim but he had to get off the base one way or another. He could alnost hear Sparrow talk him threw it just like she did when she was teaching him before. There was snow on the ground and without a jackit he would surly die of hypothermia long before he would get rescued so he needed the car and as soon as he got far enough away he could see what he took. As soon as he got it started he sat up to see agents pointing guns at him. He didnt want to kill anyone but at this rate he was not going to have much of a choice. He hit the gas and ducked as the agents started shooting at him. He sat back up and drove right threw an eletric fence.

"So glad Sparrow taught me how to drive," Peter said as he was speeding down the road with agents on his tail.

Sparrow didn't just teach him how to drive on roads where innocent people were she taught him how to dive as if land mines were everywhere. Taught him what to do if they shot a tire out and how to drive backwards. May had no idea nether did Tony but Anthony and Sparrow taght him how to survive like they did because kids were Sparrows weakness. She would do anything to protect them even give herself up to hydra to protect them. What better way to make sure it doesn't happen then teaching him how to become one of them. Peter totally forgot about the gun and looked at it for a second before he heard gun fire again and one of the tires blew up making the truck he stole roll to the left hitting a tree. He got out hurt and heard yelling from agents. He took off running only to have a gun pointing at his face.

"Nice try kid but you lose this game of tag," he said as he grabed Peter and forced him to go on the road. There were several cars with heavy guns pointing at him as well as fifty agents at least maybe more.

"Hands on your head, move and we will kill you," he growled as peter put his hands on hes head shakely. A single tear rolled down his face as a man was clapping. He had pale skin and long white hair. He had scares all over his face and dead blue eyes. He looked old but he was extremely fit and taller then most of the agents.

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