Rise Of The Morning Sun

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A week past since she fell apart and she seperated herself from everyone. Not to be mean but because she didnt feel like they needed her around since she couldn't do anything anymore really. So every morning she would wake up and go to the roof of the Avenger tower and watch the sunrise and set. She was like a ghost to the avengers now since she wouldnt even come down to eat with them any more because she let them see who she really was and she felt they thought she was weak now. The tried to catch her and talk to her but she always excaped there grasp. Tony blamed himself for this whole mess and was not going to make the same mistake he made with Bucky that still haunted him.

"Hey Bucky i think i know where she is going," steve said even though she avoided all the camras she could threw out the tower.

"How are we going to find her though really? She is doing this so she could heal by herself. She is an expert Steve plus telling Tony she wasn't the person he thought she was is probably killing her shouldn't Tony find her?" Bucky asked.

"She still wants to protect him from herself because of what she did, meet me at the roof top tomorrow morning before sunrise. She will be there," Steve explained.

"Thats what I used to do," Bucky answered.

"I know that's why she will be there," steve said as he was also going ro call Peter. He didnt know and she could use all the help she could get.

It was almost time for the sunrise again and she sat on the roof on a wood bench and put her knife she kept and put it next to her. She thought about it but she couldn't. What kind of example would that set for them? So instead of killing herself she sat with the very wepon that killed a lot of people.

Steve walked to her slowly and quitely as he saw the knife sitting next to her.

"No mater how quite you think you are Steve I can smell your colone. I mesmerized all of your smells to you know. It isn't hard when you can your sence of smell has been hightened," she smerked as Steve smiled.

"Your up early," steve said.

"I always am. You let me have time to myself to think things over. Thank you," she thanked.

"Everyone needs time. Me and Bucky know that better than anyone else. Do you mind if I sit next to you?" Steve asked.

"No, not at all," she said as she moved her knife and put it back in its sheath and set it on the ground. She was wearing a blue tank top and black shorts with her hair pulled back into a poney tail. All of her scars were showing that were on her arms, legs, and neck.

Steve wore a grey T-shirt that fit him well and blue shorts. He took a seat next to her and glanced at her as she seemed so normal but she wasn't. Wind blew a bit and it was warm, smelled like the city kind of.

"You are a very odd man Steve," she said as Steve smiled.

"Just really old fashioned i think," he said.

"No, you see things diffrently. The day i reset myself I remembered what I almost did to you when I saw you in your suit again. I almost killed you and yet you didnt fight me and you weren't afraid. You just stared at me. I didnt kill you because i saw something something i haven't seen since my brother was murdered. Every time my brother would look at me he wasnt afraid of me because he knew i would never hurt him. Even thought I killed so many people and was scared up so badly he knew I would never hurt him because i loved him. You werent afraid. Why weren't you afraid of me?" She asked.

"Because when you tried to kill me i saw something in your eyes when you switched. I knew there was a good person under the mask. Then tony told us who you were and it made sense. You werent going to hurt me because people been afraid of you because of what hydra did to you. They made a monster but i saw a girl screaming for help from the inside. Everyone saw how strong you were but I knew ever since you faught me that there was something there. I stayed by your door when you screamed for ten hours trying to protect Tony. A monster would never protect someone even if it was programed into them. You did it without a second thought. No matter how out of your mind you were you wanted to protect him," Steve said.

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