Mother Instincts

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It has been extremely difficult for Sparrow to just. Every load noise, she would be right there to kill whatever made it. She would always go for her weapons, but she never had them in her. It was out of pure reflex and wanting to protect. Tony thought it was best that she didn't have her weapons on her, and she agreed, so she handed them over, but he told her where to get them and the code to get them just in case she needed them. She was always looking over her shoulder like something would attack her or somewhere out of nowhere. It was a struggle to make Sparrow sleep because she would ever wake up every two hours and check the building top to bottom to ensure everyone was safe. Somehow she even ended up sleeping next to Tony's and Peper's door a couple of nights, and it scared the crap out of Peper a couple of times. It has been two weeks since she was rescued, and not a lot of the avengers were okay with her not having a collar on, but it was mostly Loki since every time he made a loud noise, she was there annoyed him.

Tony was making breakfast for the team with Sparrow, and seeing her happy, even if it was for a couple of minutes, made his day better. Tony was making bacon while she was making pancakes. They didn't talk much. They just looked at each other sometimes as she was enjoying seeing him being all grown up. He was doing things on his own, him having facial hair and having a baby on the way. Secretly it broke her heart that he wasn't a baby anymore. She missed hers and her brother; the pain was unbearable, but she lived with it as long tony was happy, so was she, even if she had to fake it.

"So Sparrow, is there any way you take your eggs?" Tony asked with a mischievous grin.

"I dont remember how I liked them; I always made sure my brother and son had enough to eat before I went on missions; I dont even remember if I even like pancakes," she said as she was now on autopilot. Her brain was focused on other things to the point tony had to take the pan out of their hand because it started to burn.

She looked confused at first, and then she seemed to snap out of it a bit.

"Im sorry my brain went somewhere else," she said as Tony turned the oven off for a bit.

"You never told me you had family," Tony said softly.

"Because they're all dead, I watched them die, and I didn't want you to feel guilty or sad because of their deaths. I wanted you to be happy..." She said softly as the other avengers slowly poured in for breakfast.

"Sparrow, I know you still see me as a kid, but you can tell me these things, im here for you," Tony said softly.

"I love you, Tony, and I don't want you to feel guilty or sad. You and your friends eat up. I need to be alone for a bit," she said as she kissed Tony's head and leaving.

"But Sparrow," tony called as steve noticed her grim expression on her face.

"Did you get on to her for going into the vents and checking for bombs?" Nat asked.

"How about punching the tv when I turned on the news and a terrorist organization was being mentioned?" Clint asked.

"Every time I drop a book or blow up a chair out of pure rage," Loki muttered.

"She reminds me of a mother bear so much I think its great," Thor said with a smile.

"Guys, quit it! Sparrows' family is dead. The only reason she is acting like this is that her son and brother are dead. She watched them die. She needs to heal, so before you ask her to stop doing some of the things,s she does think about that for a second. Go help yourselves im going to check up on Sparrow," Tony said as he quickly left.

Steve followed his lead just in case she lost her mind and tried killing him. If Tony died, then she would lose her mind, maybe for good. Tony knocked on her door, and there was no answer.

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