No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

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As soon as they were given the coordinates Sparrow was ready ro fight for her son. She was willing to even trade places with him if jt ment he had a good life and the others new it. They were going to make sure that didnt happen and they would also stay safe as humanly possible so she wouldnt go even more ballistic then they knew she would. Going on a full blown killing spree was dangerous because she could crack any second yet she was going to do it anyway and told all of them if she couldn't come back to her sences to kill her on the spot. If she got hurt and couldnt make jt back to the shop in time to leave her behind. They were of course agenst it but she disnt care she would kill herself if they wouldnt leave and be stupid enough to go back for her. She loves them all like her own children and she made peter stay behind not out of meanness or crulaty but to save him from becoming one of her. She whispered something in his ear that made him freeze in place and he looked not only horrafied but upset at what ahe told him. That made him stay wjth no arguments which was unsettling in Tony's opion but in her eyes she was doing him a favor.

She was standing ready to jump out of the plain with Steve and he saw how her eyes that were regaining feelings were as cold as the day he met her. He didnt want to lose her in this battle, he couldn't imagine the sheer agony she felt thinking her son was dead and not going back for him. Seeing him ignitited a fury of wich no one, not even HYDRA had seen and steve was glade she was on his side sure but hated that she was forced more or less to fight again. All of the people she killed must have hunted her and it showed in her eyes. Steve didn't just want to protect tony just incase she lost it again but to help her feel like a human being. He didnt see a killer when she suddenly switched infront of his eyes but a human being that was screaming for help on the inside and a solgier on the outside to protect her damaged spirit and to hide the scared girl he saw. A beautiful woman tormented, torched, and brainwashed by Hydra that gave up everything to actully protect one small tiny human being.

"Going to be there in five minutes," clint said as sparrows cold eyes locked on the door ready to get out.

"Sparrow be careful," Steve said as she took out her swords.

"I think not, they took my son from me, I'm going to butcher them like I did the first time they tried to freeze me. They are going to be no one left alive besides the people that are being held prisoner there and us of course i will make sure of that," she said as Tony sighed.

That wasnt good.

The doors opened and sparrow imedetly ran out and slaughtered a hydra agent and started to slay some more. The others got out soon after and quickly stormed the hydra base. Sparrow was leading the way making each kill as brutal as posable making her getting covered in human blood and gore.

"Holly hell Sparrow is whiping everyone out," clint said in his ear peice as she cut a person in half before clint had taken his shot.

"She killed five hundred hydra agents in one day Clint she is the most dangerous experment they ever created and them holding her kid hostage made it worse," Tony said as she decaptated three hydra agents. She heard yelling and ran to the yelling as hydra agents were moving hostages and she didn't waste no time in shotting them all in the head. The hostages looked at her with shock as she was covered in the blood of her victumes and even left bloody foot prints where she walked because of all the blood. She noticed they were all solgers and she saw a man with short black hair and blue eyes looking at her but it couldnt be. It wasnt her son at all. She killed people for nothing. There blood was on her.

"Are there any more hostages?" Sparrow asked coldly to keep her pure agony and to keep her broken heart from falling apart.

"No ma'am this is all of us here, Mad dog navy seals. My name is actully Steven Grant," the black hair man said as he started to free his friends.

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