012. cheaters never prosper

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"Hey." Charlie gently whispers to her sleeping wife. Addison rolls over and opens one eye. "I'm heading to the airport, now." She says and leans down to press a kiss on her forehead. Addison just rolls back over and Charlie leaves her to sleep.

"I love you." Addison mumbles and Charlie smiles as she leaves their bedroom. Pablo and Klaus meow loudly from the bottom of the stairs, demanding food.

"Hi. Are you hungry?" She asks them, they purr and rub against her legs. "Okay, come on." She feeds the two hungry orange cats and then quietly slips out of the front door. The cab waits for her outside, she loads her suitcase then clambers in. "Airport please."

The flight is long but quiet. The four hours pass by like nothing and before she knows it, she's in a taxi to her hotel for the weekend.

Charlie  06:42

I'm at the hotel. I'll call you later. x

Addison looks at her phone, the message brightening the screen. She smiles and places her phone back on the nightstand, rolling over

Charlie's message goes unanswered. She checks the time difference. 4 hours behind, she'll give her a call later.


The reception is held at their home, a large tent set up in the back yard serves as their dance floor. Charlie stands on the sidelines, leaning against a brick wall, drink in her hand watching her half-sister and her new husband dance. She checks her watch; 10:28. Surely Addison would be around to talk? Just as she's about to call her wife, a bridesmaid drunkenly stumbles in front of her, tripping in her heels in the grass; Charlie reaches out to catch her. "Woah, you okay?" She asks as  Charlie steadies the woman, gripping her shoulders keeping her stable.

"I'm fine." She slurs. "I'm just...a bit drunk." The glass of champagne in her hand spills slightly as she sways. Charlie holds out her hands, ready to catch her if she falls. "I'm okay, I'm okay." She says and Charlie doesn't believe her words. She looks up at Charlie and stares intently at her face. "You're Claire, aren't you?"

"Charlie. I'm Charlie."

"I'm Kara." She takes a second. "You're Morgan's sister." She slurs and points.

"Half-sister." Charlie smiles and takes a sip of her drink.

"She's mentioned you before, but she never said how hot you were." She takes a step closer to Charlie, her fingers run over the lapels of her jacket.

"Ahaha, flattering but I'm married." Charlie laughs awkwardly, flashing her wedding ring and just takes a sip of her drink. The bridesmaid takes another step, She leans close and whispers in Charlie's ear.

"I don't mind being the other woman."

Charlie just gently tries to push Kara away but before Charlie even really knows what's happening, Kara presses her up against the wall and kisses her. It takes a couple of seconds for Charlie to realise but before she does; she kisses Kara back.


Charlie's phone ringing is what makes her push Kara off. She stands for a moment, trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened. "Fuck." she whispers and searches her pockets for her phone. It rings and rings. Where the fuck did she put her phone? By the time she finds it, the ringing stops. Charlie takes a breath then leaves the reception.

She doesn't stay at the hotel. She packs her bags and then gets a cab to the airport.

She debates whether going straight home or to the hospital. Instead, she just goes to Meredith's.

She bangs in the glass door, hoping someone will answer. Lexie opens it and Charlie wheels her suitcase into the house. "Is your sister home?" Lexie shakes her head. "Is anyone home? Anyone at all?"


"Lex!" A deep voice shouts, she realises it's Mark. Fuck, not Mark, anyone but Mark, he would kill her.

"Never mind, I've gotta go," Charlie says turning around and walking out of the house.

"Charlie, you forgot your bag!" Lexie calls after her but Charlie is already gone.

Charlie's mind doesn't stop running at a million miles a minute. All she can think about is that stupid fucking kiss and how Addison will react when she inevitably finds out. "Fuck." She whispers again as she walks to the hospital, it's beginning to rain, but Charlie doesn't care. By the time she gets to the hospital, she's soaked through. Her white shirt clings to her body as she makes her way through the city. "So fucking stupid," she mutters and talks to herself. When she finally gets to the main entrance, she freezes. Her entire body freezes and she can't move. She stands there in the pelting rain in a shirt and trousers and stares u at the hospital, knowing that she has just fucked up the greatest thing in her life. 

"Dr Beck?" A voice calls out. Charlie turns around, Teddy Altman stands in front of her, her messenger bag over her shoulder, umbrella over her head and a smile on her face. Charlie shivers and pants as the rain pelts down. Teddy offers her umbrella but Charlie doesn't move. "Charlie, are you okay?" Charlie shakes her head and teddy gently takes her arm, guiding her into the hospital.

Charlie hears Teddy talk to someone, she doesn't know how, she's too out of it to really know what is happening.

"Charlie." Someone softly says, they settle down in front of her, Charlie focuses her vision and Meredith is kneeling in front of her. Charlie looks up from Meredith to Teddy, who is whispering something to Cristina.  "Charlie, what's happened? Lexie called me, she said you arrived at the house then ran out?" She gently rubs Charlie's arms. Charlie starts crying. A lot. She starts incoherently mumbling and Meredith looks to Cristina for help. 

"Maybe we should get Addison?" Cristina asks.

"NO!" Charlie shouts, wiping the tears from her eyes. They jump in shock at Charlie's outburst. "No, I don't need Addison. I'm fine."

"Charlie, Teddy found outstanding outside in the rain. That isn't normal Charlie behaviour, but to be honest, you're manic so what really is standard Charlie behaviour-"

"Cristina, not helping." Meredith glares at her best friend. "What's happened." Charlie's head sits in her hands, she mumbles something under her breath and Meredith turns to Cristina. "What?"

"I kissed someone else! At the wedding, I kissed a bridesmaid.  Well technically she kissed me, I just kissed back. But only for a second!"

"I can see why you don't want Satan here, right now." Teddy lands a soft blow to Cristina's ribs and she groans lightly.

"I need to go and tell her," Charlie says and stands up.

"No," Cristina says pulling away from Teddy. Meredith turns to her. "No, right now, she is saving babies. She is being the badass surgeon that you fell in love with. You're not going to tell her tonight, okay? You're going to go home and cook her dinner and you're king to have one last night before it could all go to shit. Tomorrow. Tomorrow you tell her? Okay?" Charlie nods her head and takes a breath. 

Tomorrow. She would tell her tomorrow 

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