005. life in a cardboard box

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Half of the apartment is packed away into boxes, ready for the big move into their new home

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Half of the apartment is packed away into boxes, ready for the big move into their new home.

"Where's my Yale sweatshirt?" Addison shouts to her from the bedroom. Charlie sits on the couch, new controller in hand and headset over her ears. "Charlie?" Addison shouts, Charlie remains oblivious. "Charlie!" Addison calls again, this time she stands in the doorway, towel wrapped around her body. "Charlotte," Addison calls out once again, realising that she was still getting nowhere, she unwraps the towel from her body and throws it at Charlie.

"Shit," Charlie shouts and pulls the towel off her head. "Addie, I'm in the middle of a campaign!" She looks over to glare at her wife. Her jaw goes slack and she stares at her wife's body.

"Charlie," Addison calls, Charlie sits there staring at her while she gets annihilated in COD. Addison rolls her eyes and walks back into the bedroom. Charlie drops the controller and pulls off the headset, running to the bedroom, her socks slide across the floor and she crashes into the bedroom door. Addison spins around in shock and raises an eyebrow at her wife. Charlie just charges and picks up Addison, flopping them both onto the bed. Addison's laughter fills the air and Charlie knows that she will always do whatever it takes to make sure she always hears her favourite sound.

"Have you packed your console away?" Addison says in a doorway the next day at the hospital.

"Not yet." Charlie types away at a computer, her eyes fixed to the screen.

"Charlie, we agreed the TV was the first thing to be packed away."

"I know- "

"We move out in two days. Everything needs to be packed."

"Addie, I know. Okay, I know. It's just..." She sits back in the chair and smiles up at Addison. "I have a lot of good memories in that apartment. I have a lot of great memories of you, in that apartment. I remember waking up and finding you in my bed, that was a pretty great night. I proposed there, it's where we bought Pablo home to. I just...I want to hold on to it for as long as I can." Charlie smiles up at Addison.

"I know, you do." Addison smiles. "But we can make so many more memories at the house, new amazing memories." Charlie nods her head and sits back in her chair. "Have you sent your brother the new address?" Charlie nods her head. "Okay, good. Did you call Pablo's vets and-"

"I've called everyone relevant and they all know about the new address. It's fine, I handled it."

"Good girl." Addison smiles and turns to walk away.

"Addie!" Charlie calls, Addison spins around facing Charlie.


"I love you." Charlie grins, Addison rolls her eyes and walks away.

"I love you, too." She tells her before walking away completely.


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