026. birthday transplants

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Charlie yawns widely screwing her eyes shut, she checks her watch

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Charlie yawns widely screwing her eyes shut, she checks her watch. She's been here for 19 hours, on her feet for 18 and a half.

"Dr Beck, do you have a moment?"  She looks up and Richard has his hands on his hips, a stern look on his face. Charlie nods and follows him into a conference room. Dr Bailey is there waiting, a worried smile on her face.

"Look if you're gonna accuse me of something can we get on with it? I gotta get home for dinner with my wife."

"It was Dr Adamson, she was the one who tipped us off about you allegedly stealing the medication."

Charlie just stands there, the anger bubbles inside her. She clenches her fists and her jaw, breathing slowly.

"Charlie," Bailey says quietly taking a step towards her resident.

"I...I'm clean. I just need you to know that." She says looking at the floor, with furrowed brows

"We know," Bailey says to her in a small voice, a hand resting on her arm.

They stand there for a while, quiet.

"I gotta go," Charlie speaks up, she clears her throat wipes her tears and walks out of the conference room. She's screwing her eyes open and shut, clenching her fists, trying to even out her breathing. She's just muttering to herself and shaking her head when she rounds the corner and Reed is standing with Arizona.

Charlie takes a second and before she knows it she's shouting Reed's name across the floor. "Reed!" Charlie calls out, the short brunette turns around. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Reed just looks around. "Dr Beck," Arizona warns.

"You fucking accused me, of theft. What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Were you dropped on your fucking head as a kid?"

"Dr Beck," Arizona says in a sterner tone. The entire floor slows down, listening in to what's happening.

"Robbins, stay out of this." Charlie spits out, her eyes still set on Reed. She takes a step closer to the resident from Mercy-West. "Keep my name out of your fucking mouth,  or I swear to god, I will make you regret working in this fucking hospital for the rest of your meaningless, shitty life."

"That's enough Beck!"

"I'm done anyway." Charlie shoves past Reed and storms off. 

Charlie starts getting changed, pulling off her scrub top. She screws it up, throws it into her cubby, reaching to grab her hoodie and pull it over her head.

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