030. click, boom

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"Darling?" Addison whispers, Charlie's still asleep

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"Darling?" Addison whispers, Charlie's still asleep. "Charlie." She says again, gently shaking her. No luck, she's learned over the years that once Charlie is asleep, nothing wakes her up, unless it's sex then she's awake and her face is in Addison's boobs in a minute. She presses a kiss on Charlie's shoulder and sighs. "I'll see you at work." She whispers, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Charlie's cheek, the younger doctor just groans and pulls the covers closer to her.

She takes a shower and stands under the stream of hot water, she leans her forehead on the cool tile and lets the water beat down her back. Addison then creeps around the bedroom piecing together an outfit, wrapped in a towel, her wet hair dripping on the carpet.

"Baby?" Charlie groans when she wakes and realises Addison isn't in bed.

"Hi," Addison whispers, towelling her hair dry. "Go back to sleep."

"Why are you up so early?" Charlie groans, pulling her pillow closer to her and shutting her eyes.

"I have therapy and some errands to run." She smiles and folds the towel, hanging it over the end of the bed.

"Okay...what time is it?"

"Just after 6." She smiles and stares down at her wife.

"10 more minutes." Charlie whispers and Addison leaves her to sleep.

Klaus is waiting for her when she gets downstairs, he's meowing loudly and chirping. She bends down and picks up the ginger cat. She scratches his head and presses a kiss to the orange fur.

"Hi," Clark smiles at the counter, stuffing his face with cereal and reading a comic book.

"Why are you up so early?" She asks him, pouring herself a cup of coffee. He just shrugs his shoulders and munches his cereal, going back to his comic. "I have to go but Charlie will take you to school, she should be up in a bit but if it hits 6:30 and she's not, you have my permission to jump on her." Addison smiles and shoots him a wink.


"So how have you been?"

"My sister came to stay." She says, tapping her fingers against the arm of the couch.

"The same sister you haven't seen in 12 years?" He asks her, rolling his pen between his fingers. He sits and listens as she explains all about Aurora coming to stay and what happened with her baby, she talks about Archer and Julia. She talks about Clark.

"He's perfect. He's a little shy but he's been with us for a couple of months now and I feel like he's settled in."Addison smiles widely, thinking about the boy. "And Charlie, she...she's jumped straight into the parent role, she's so hands-on and she swaps shifts around so she can be home on time. She's amazing. She's grown these past couple of months and I'm proud of her."

"Do you feel the same as when you first came to see me?"

Addison shakes her head, "I feel...lighter. I think I just had a lot on when I first came here but now I feel great."

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