001. role reversal

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"I have 5 rules; memorise them

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"I have 5 rules; memorise them." Charlie smiles, using the rules that were once barked at her on her first day at Seattle Grace. "Rule number one: Don't bother sucking up. I already don't like you and that's not gonna change." Charlie exits the intern locker room and heads to the nurse's desk. 

"Trauma protocol, phone list, pagers," She points to the objects on the desk. "Nurses will page you and you will answer every page at a run. A run, people! That's rule number two." She turns away and begins to walk off, the interns scramble to get them and follow her. "Your first shift starts now and lasts 48 hours." She smiles at them, leading them down various corridors in a seemingly endless circle. 

"You are interns, grunts, nobodies, the bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, write orders, work every second night until you drop, and you do not complain." She ends up on a lower level and swings open a door to her left. "Here we have the on-call rooms." She gestures inside. "Attending's hog them. Sleep when you can, where you can, which brings me to rule number three. If I'm sleeping, do not wake me unless your patient is dying. Rule four: The dying patient had better not be dead when I get there. Not only will you have killed someone, but you will also have woken me for no good reason. Are we clear?" She asks, her arms crossed and her eyes scanning her interns.

A small hand is raised at the back of the group. "Yes?" Charlie says, acknowledging the small figure.

The crowd parts and a brunette haired woman comes into view. "You said five rules. That was only four." Charlie smiles, Meredith said the same thing on her first day.

"What's your name?" She asks the small brunette.

"Grey, Lexie Grey." She smiles. Must be a Grey thing.

Her pager beeps. "Welcome to Seattle Grace, Lexie Grey." She glances down. "Rule number five: When I move, you move." She takes off in a run down the corridor.


"Dr Beck, glad I caught you. I need an assist on surgery later on today, are you free?" Arizona finds her as she exits a young patients room, scribbling down notes on their chart.

"Why can't Karev do it?" She closes the chart and hands it back to a nurse, she then turns to the bubbly blonde.

"I don't want Karev, I want you." Arizona smiles at her. Charlie's mouth forms an 'o'. 

"Um...sure. Yeah...I'll do it." She smiles and nods her head.

"Brilliant, I'll page you later." Arizona grins and rolls off on her Heely's.

"You know I didn't realise you were one of us when I first met you," Arizona says to her, as she's elbow deep in a routine stricturoplasty. Charlie's eyebrows narrow, in confusion. 

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