Chapter 11: A Lot Has Changed in Four Days...

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Ellie’s POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned loudly and rolled over, looking at my alarm clock to see what time it was. Seven in the fucking morning?! Who the hell calls at seven in the damn morning?!

“Hello?” I answer groggily and crankily. I hadn’t gotten much sleep last night as I didn’t get to sleep until one in the morning. I had spent a lot of time at the penthouse skyping Niall and just lounging in his room, writing in my journal, trying to clear my mind just like I had done the night before. It really was a relaxing thing to do and not to mention I got some peace and quiet while feeling close to my friend.

“Gingey! Get your ass over to the hotel!” I heard Louis’s loud voice followed by Niall’s recognizable laugh. They would be the ones to wake me up.

“Lou. It’s fucking seven in the morning. I’m sleeping.” I growled, starting to drift back off.

“No!! Elliee, come to the hotel. We’re going to be there in like ten minutes.” Niall pleaded into the phone and I could imagine his cute puppy dog face. Ughh even when he’s not here it works on me.

“You guys are back already?” I asked. I didn’t think they were supposed to get back until later on in the afternoon.

“Yes, Niall made us leave earlier because he miisssseeeeddd you!” I heard Harry’s teasing voice sounding a bit distant on the phone line. I immediately felt more awake as my cheeks heated up a bit. Really?

“Shut up Styles!” I heard Niall scold and then a thump and Harry grunt in pain. I’m pretty sure he just smacked him. Or punched him. Or something else that’s violent. “Are you coming or not El?” he asked in a rush, seeming a bit nervous of the others saying something else to embarrass him. I giggled a bit and sat up, blinking the sleep out of my eyes.

“I guess. Not like I’m going to be able to get back to sleep again anyways.” I groaned as I stretched out and stood up, walking over to my mirror with my phone still pressed against my ear. Other than my crazy bed head I looked decent for just getting out of bed.

“Awesome! I’ll see you in a bit Ellie. Bye!” he said excitedly.

“Bye Nialler.” I said with a smile. I pulled the phone away from my ear, hearing the others say goodbye in the background and Niall yelling again at Harry for what he said. I chuckled to myself and hit the end button, tossing my phone onto my bed as I made my way to the dresser to get clothes out to wear to the hotel.

I got dressed in twenty minutes and headed downstairs. I expected my Dad to be awake as he was always an early riser, but all the lights were off and his bedroom door was closed when I passed it. I sighed. The Chemo was really messing with him.

Let’s just say after our little argument about Niall the other day we were back to our arguing. He waited up for me after I stormed out and went to the hotel, looking exhausted and beyond pissed when I got back. He asked me where I went and I said ‘out to clear my head’ wanting to keep my promise to Niall and not tell anyone that I had his room key. Besides, that will only make my Dad angrier. If you even say something that starts with ‘Ni’ he’s ready to kill someone. I really wished he didn’t hate him so much. I bet you if I had met Niall when my Mom and brother were still here my Dad would welcome him with open arms. Hell, they’d probably be better friends than I am with him. He was always that outgoing person and got along with a lot of my friends. Even if it was embarrassing sometimes, it’s better than this.

Then last night we got into another smaller argument and I went back to the penthouse, even though I had planned on going there anyway, and once again he waited up for me. I knew my Dad loved me and that he was worried about me, especially when I keep running out like that, but if he didn’t go off on me, I wouldn’t have to leave.

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