Chapter 7: Everything Happens For a Reason You Say?

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Ellie’s POV

“That’s not fair!!” Louis screamed, his jaw dropping in shock. I just cheered and laughed at the expression on his face before turning around and exchanging a well-earned high five with Harry.

“It’s totally fair Boo! We’re just obviously better than you!” Harry laughed in his face.

“That’s not possible though. I was only playing against you and Ellie, and I normally kick your ass!” Louis argued.

“Yeah, but it appears that Ellie kicked yours.” Niall laughed from behind us. I turned around and saw the other three boy sitting there stifling their chuckles and ducking away from the death glares Lou was sending them.

“B-But that couldn’t be! It’s her first time playing! A-And…” he stuttered, obviously still in shock from his loss.

“And what?” I asked him, walking over so I was in front of him. “I’m a girl?” I teased raising an eyebrow at him playfully. Harry and I had just taken Lou up in a game of Call of Duty, and well, as you can tell, he lost.

                “Yes!” he yelled. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, before turning back to him and poking his chest, leaning down so I was closer to his face.

“Admit it Tommo,” I started, using his nick name I had picked up on in the time that I was here, “’The Master’, just got beat by two girls.” I finished, shoving my xbox controller into his chest and stepping away, crossing my arms and admiring the look on his face.

“Hey!” Harry protested after a moment. Everyone just burst out into a full wave of laughter at his delayed reaction to my insult. Everyone except for Louis of course, who was still pouting about his defeat.

“I call a rematch! This time I won’t go so easy on you two.” Louis yelled out, a determined look in his eye. I just shook my head at him.

“You weren’t going easy on us and you know it. We beat you fair and square.” I finished, going over and taking the empty seat between Niall and Liam.

“Rematch!” he repeated.

“Oh just give it up Lou!” Zayn rolled his eyes before standing up and walking over to the console and shutting it off. Louis’s mouth dropped but he closed it before long, giving the younger lad a glare. Zayn just chuckled before sitting back down on the couch.

It grew quiet for a moment before I let out a yawn.

“Tired?” I heard someone ask playfully from beside me. I turned and saw Niall, looking down at me as my head rested against the couch next to his shoulder. I gave a small shrug and nod.

“I guess so.” I shrugged. Niall just shifted and moved his arm so it was around me and pulling me closer to him so my head was now resting on his shoulder.

“What time is it?” I asked him, trying to ignore the heat rising to my cheeks from the way we were situated. He looked at the time on the cable box across the room.

“Almost eleven.” He responded. I let out a small groan. My Dad was probably flipping out right now. “What’s wrong?” he asked me.

“My Dad’s probably having a heart attack.” I sighed.

“OW!” Louis said in a high pitched tone. I lifted up my head and gave him a funny look. “What? You don’t get it?” he asked. I cocked my head a bit more.

“She’s not a fan, remember?” Niall chuckled from beside me.

“Oh…” Louis mumbled.

“Okay, I’m really confused.” I frowned. Niall just shook his head.

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