Chapter 17: Rain on the Parade

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Ellie’s POV

I stood inside of my house, my back pressed up against the door as I stared at the ceiling with the widest smile and reddest cheeks of my life. My heart was still beating a million times a minute. That just happened. That actually just happened.

It kept replaying in my head over and over again as I finally wrapped my mind around it. Niall Horan just kissed me. My best friend just kissed me. The one that I love just kissed me.

And now, for this moment, nothing mattered. My Mom and brother were just in the other room, laughing and wondering why I hadn’t walked in to greet them. My father wasn’t upstairs, slowly having his life ripped from him by a relentless disease. Lily was happily sitting in her bedroom, listening to One Direction music and smiling wide whenever Niall’s voice rang through the speakers. Niall wasn’t leaving in a week. Everything was perfect, just in this one moment. I was flying high in my own dreamland.

“He kissed me.” I whispered breathily, the smile on my face growing, if that was possible. “He actually kissed me. He feels the same way.” My thoughts and happiness just came flowing out of me, forming words that echoed through the near empty house.

“Ellie?” I heard my father’s voice, immediately pulling me out of my thoughts. I snapped forward, away from the door and walked deeper into the home, my head turning in the direction of the kitchen. I found my Dad standing by the counter, a glass of water in his hand.

“Oh, hi Dad. I thought you were asleep.” I said, my smile still lingering as I shuffled into the room.

“I woke up for a drink.” He wheezed, clearly weak. I didn’t want to think of the struggle that must have gone through just to get down here for that simple task. I wasn’t going to dwell on that right now. I wasn’t going to let anything crush my mood.

“Oh.” I mumbled simply. I looked down at the floor, unsure of what to say next. I still couldn’t get the kiss out of my head. The happiness bubbling inside of me just kept on growing, making me feel like I could do anything. I didn’t know what to do with it. I shot another glance up at my father, who was sipping his drink with dull cold eyes.

Maybe I could tell him. It wasn’t like I could run up and go on to my mother about my first kiss like I had always wanted to. Maybe if he saw me this happy and knew that Niall kissed me, he’d understand that he actually does care about me. Maybe he’d get it. Just maybe.

“How was your day?” he asked gruffly, not meeting my gaze. Something was bothering him. I knew it. But I was determined to tell him. To make him understand.

“Started off… not so great… but ended… amazingly.” I gushed at the end, my cheeks growing hot. His hands clenched. I bit my lip nervously and I took a deep breath. Just say it.

“Y-You’ll never guess what happened when Niall walked me ho-” I started to say, but he cut me off.

“I saw it.” He growled bluntly. My eyes went wide and my mouth parted a bit in shock. He saw the kiss?

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