Chapter 12: Right There Behind You

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Niall’s POV

“Wake up! All of you!” I shouted, throwing a pillow at Louis and Harry and kicking Zayn who was asleep at my feet. We had all crashed in the living room last night after a band twticam. Lou and Haz groaned rolling over, mumbling curses underneath their breath. Zayn reached out and punched my leg.

“What’s wrong Ni, why are you waking us up at… half six in the morning?” Liam asked rubbing his eyes and looking at me with curiosity and concern.

“Nothing we just have to head back to New Jersey this morning so get your lazy asses up.” I commanded and started to walk around gathering things.

“Why do we have to leave so fucking early?” Harry growled.

“Because I told Ellie I would spend some time with her today.” I told them.

“Can’t that wait? I’m exhausted mate.” Louis grumbled afterwards.

“No. Get up.” I said and kicked Zayn again.

“Stop kicking me you douche.” Zayn snapped.

“Then get up!” I yelled louder.

“Seriously mate, why do we have to go right now?” Liam asked sitting up and stretching.

“Because I want to get back as soon as possible.” I answered quickly.

“So you can fuck her?” Harry asked sitting up now and looking beyond pissed. I felt my eyes widen and cheeks redden.

“What?! No! She’s just my mate!” I argued, feeling embarrassed.

“If you’re not getting any, you have no right to wake me up.” Louis chimed in, rolling over again. Harry hit him in the head.

“Just get up Lou. He’s not going to leave us alone.” Harry told him. Both Lou and Zayn then gave up on trying to get back to sleep at the point and sat up, sending me death glares.

“I have to go to the bathroom anyway.” Louis announced making his way up and down the hall to the restroom. The others slowly peeled themselves off of the couches and floor and started to do everything they had to do before we left. I smiled in satisfaction. They got up. That actually went better than I expected.


“Seriously mate.” Liam said when the others had left the room as he started to clean up the mess a bit. “Why do you want to get back so bad?” he questioned. I shrugged a bit.

“I don’t know… I guess I’m just kind of… worried.” I admitted. I knew I could talk to Liam about this and not have him mess with me or press for too much information. Maybe if I talked to him I’d be able to figure out what exactly was going on in my mind because I was a bit confused.

Since we had left Jersey I had found myself constantly thinking and worrying about Ellie. But after I started worrying I found it just fading into… admiring. I thought over the times we had met together and pictured the little details about her. The glow of her cherry red hair when it was in the sun, the way her eyes sparkled blue when she was happy and then turned to a dull grey when she was upset or her Dad got upset with her. I thought about her smile and how it immediately made me lose my train of thought at the feeling of happiness it created in the room. I’d always end up spacing out and smiling stupidly after while, thoughts of her just consuming my mind. It was weird and even weirder when I thought about what it probably meant.

I mean I shouldn’t think of her like that. She was someone I was originally trying to help and then became a friend. Yeah I’ve said it from the beginning that there was something special about her, but not to the point to where I may… fancy her.

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