Chapter 21: He's Not Going Away

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Ellie’s POV

I was exhausted.

It was like one of those mornings where you have been sleeping for much longer than you should have, but you still feel like sleeping for another week, so you lay in bed not wanting to move. But in the end you get a headache from trying so hard to stay asleep.

That was kind of it.

Except now I felt like I didn’t have the choice to wake up.

In fact I wanted to. I felt so stiff and uncomfortable. I wanted to stretch and move around. And the fact that my head was hurting and I was nauseous and hungry.

But every time I tried to open my eyes, my body was just like haha no.

Well thanks body.

You don’t take orders very well it seems.

Though, my will to wake up seemed to work. Slowly but surely, my eyes were becoming lighter, and my senses were coming back to me. I could hear the faint drone of other voices every now and again and feel someone playing with my hand, lightly touching the skin on my arm or cheek. I didn’t know who it was though. And it was bothering me.

I wasn’t sure how long I was in that state before I finally gained the energy to open my eyes. It wasn’t much. It was too bright in the room for me to open them more than a slit. That led me to wondering where the hell I was.

“Niall!” I heard a muffled voice. “She just moved.”

At that sentence whoever was holding my hand gripped it tighter, and I could feel their anticipation and neediness in the tense muscles.

“Elizabeth?” I heard the thick accent. “Ellie, love, are you awake?”

The sound made my heart flutter in my chest and I tried harder to open my eyes, being too disoriented to put a name to the voice.

I managed to open my eyes again, wider this time. I fought the urge to close them by blinking rapidly.

“Ellie!” the same person gasped in relief. I opened my eyes all the way, taking in my blurred surroundings. I felt light headed and overall just crappy. I suddenly wanted to go back to sleep.

“Liam, go get the doctor.” The figure beside me commanded. I turned to look at him weakly to see the familiar blond hair. I blinked a few more times to clear my own eyes to finally be able to recognize who was beside me.

Niall Horan.

“Niall...” I rasped. Ugh... that was ugly sounding. He gave a relieved smile and leaned closer to me, pushing some of my hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear. I saw his blue eyes glassy and red rimmed; his whole face I could now make out to be pale and puffy. The evidence showing that he had been doing a lot of crying.

“Yes, El, it’s me. I’m so glad to see you awake.” He rushed, trying to hold in his tears as he spoke quickly and breathily, leaning in closer to my face. I was confused on why he was so stressed out. I didn’t even know what happened.

I took a little look around the room I was in trying to assess my surroundings. I saw three familiar figures standing across the room, all of them watching me and Niall with intent eyes and shy smiles. I noticed the blandness of the room, pale bluish walls, boring tiled floor, a bunch of medical equipment.

Then I looked at myself. I was in the uncomfortable flat beds, a light pink blanket covering up until my stomach. Then there were wires connected to me, a few different IV drips in my arms.

Hospital. Why was I here?

“Niall,” I said again trying to sit up more. He immediately put his hands on my shoulders telling me not to move and to take it easy. I sighed. “Why am I in the hospital Ni? Where’s my Dad?” I finally choked out. I was confused on why my father wasn’t here. I know if he knew I was in the hospital he wouldn’t have left my side. He’s just that kind of father.

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