Chapter 24: He Doesn't Approve

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Ellie’s POV

I let out a long slow breath as I stared up at the ceiling above me. My hand was mindlessly fiddling with the Heart Angel around my neck, a habit I had picked up in the past forty eight hours. I felt strangely calm, despite everything that still had to be taken care of. The steady rhythm of the beating heart beneath my head droned me into a nice little daze, half in my own little world. I was aware of the rise and fall of Niall’s chest that I was leaning on and the way his fingers carded through my hair gently as we lay in silence. I wasn’t sure how long we had been sitting here for at this point but I wasn’t in a rush to move, get up, or even talk for that matter.

“We have to get up some time.” Niall’s voice  suddenly echoed in the quiet room, his chest vibrating with the sound.

So apparently he had different ideas.

I groaned and rolled over. His face looked peaceful, blue eyes shining as always as he looked down at me and a lazy smile on his face. I moved my hand to smush my pointer finger against his lips.

“Shh... this is peaceful. Don’t ruin it.” I scolded. He chuckled and moved his face to escape my shushing finger.

“Love, why don’t we at least try to unpack some of your stuff? We can lay like this later after my meeting.” He offered. I huffed in annoyance.

“But I’m so comfortable. And that’s so much work and you’re meeting isn’t until like, six, and I’m still jet lagged and ughh.” I whined.

“And you just like complaining?” he laughed at me. I lifted my head up to look at him again, narrowing my eyes.

“No.” I snapped. He just laughed some more and craned his neck to peck my nose. I immediately felt my slightly ‘angry’ demeanor slip away as he did so.

“C’mon Ellie. I know the past few days have been busy, but you just moved in. Let’s get your room set up so I don’t have to sleep on the couch again tonight.” He said raising an eyebrow at me as he sat up. I fell back against the bare mattress that we had spread ourselves out on before. We had come into what used to be Niall’s guest room in his flat so we could figure out how we were going to arrange it so it could be my room. The past two nights he had let me sleep in his bed so I didn’t have to stay on the couch until we got my room in check.

And just let it be known that no I’m not going to share a room with Niall when we aren’t even officially dating and I just moved in. Despite our situation and everything else. I trust him, I just need time.


I still didn’t want to move.

“Look we could have shared the bed for a night or two. Just because I’m getting my own room doesn’t mean I’m completely against being near you at night.” I rolled my eyes at him. “It’s happened before.”

“Yeah and that almost got me murdered.” He scoffed. I bit my lip at the memory, heart aching at the thought of my father, and my insides twisting with guilt when I thought back to his opinion of the boy in front of me. It was a thought that lingered in the back of my head since I made the decision to move here with him. But I did my best to ignore it. I knew I couldn’t be without Niall. I’m sure my father would have understood, despite his dislike for the lad.

But I wouldn’t be having this internal argument with myself if I actually believed that, now would I?

“That was obviously different…” I said slowly looking down. He just leaned down and kissed my forehead before taking my hand and pulling me so I was sitting up.

“Come on. It needs to get done.” He insisted.

I sighed, my laziness putting a pout on my face at the fact that I had to move now and the thoughts of my father now running through my mind setting my mood down a little lower.

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