Chapter 3: Sadie

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I run back to the front of the cafe, completely forgetting that I had to rehearse my lines for tomorrow, this audition was a big break for me and I wanted to do well. I needed to practice every second possible and my break was perfect. I flip through the script to a highlighted part where the character I'm auditioning for is on the balcony waiting for her love interest to finally forgive her for her mistake. It is just not doing it for me, I need someone else to help. I run out to go find Ember, maybe she can help, and she was gone. I guess it is kind of weird for the person you just met to rehearse a love scene with you. That's when I look to the front entrance to see Aaron, hopefully, his girlfriend won't mind it.

"Hey, Aaron! What brings you in here?" I smile, hoping he's willing to help a girl out.

"Hey, I mean my dad does own the place, Sade." He giggles and I blush a light shade of red.

"Well if you're stopping in could you help me with these lines it will only take like 5 minutes?" Hopefully, my blushing is going down, and he says yes PLEASE.

"Anything for you." He looks down at me, smiling. I get a knot in my stomach, I shouldn't be doing this especially since he has a girlfriend, I just really need help. At least that's what I tell myself. 

We go to the back of the cafe, a corner tucked away behind the cafe's register. We sit beside each other, him holding one side of the script.

"Pretty much the scene is where this girl named Liv, me, is waiting on the balcony for the guy she really loves which is Noah, you, since she made a major mistake. This is where he comes in and forgives her for her wrongdoings. She pretty much jeopardized his career and he is picking her over it he's very sweet." I look up to see if he's following and he looks very content. 

"Okay, I'll read the first line and just follow okay?"

"Got it, Sade, I mean um Liv."

"Hey, I never thought you would come back?"

"Well, I couldn't let you go." He clears his throat making his voice deeper, I try my best not to laugh at him too.

"I'm really sorry Noah, I wish I could go back and-"

"No, you made me see what was more important in my life, you." 

"You really mean that Noah? Without you, I don't know what I would do. You mean everything to me." A single tear comes from my eye.

"You mean more than life itself to me, Liv." Our eyes connect, I can see it in his eyes, he wants to kiss me too.

"Eh emh." I look up to see Mr. Cook, my boss. 

"Aaron what did I tell you about distracting my hard-working workers?" He smiles at Aaron, like mentally giving him a high five, which set me into 'this man has a girlfriend and I should get back to working since I have to pay rent this month' mode and I jump up heading towards the front counter.


The clock finally hits 7 and I am out of the cafe, still thinking back to the awkward encounter with Aaron and my boss. I head up the stairs and unlock the door, walking into the apartment. The smell of pizza made my taste buds perk up. 

"Hey, Sadie! I made some pizza, I mean I just heated it up, it tastes good though!" She had this frantic look in her eye. Making me question if everything was okay. It may be better to get to know her better before digging at that.

"Thank you Em, I appreciate it, it smells amazing!" I smile back.

"About earlier Sadie-"

"I am so sorry about that, I have this audition tomorrow and I forgot I had to practice! Oh, shit my script." I fumble through my work bag to see it is not there.

"Oh, a cute guy came by earlier and dropped this off." Em handed me the script with a bright sticky note on it saying;

Good luck with your audition tomorrow, you will do great.

Love, Aaron I mean Noah

My stomach was brought to life with butterflies, then the feeling of regret, I shouldn't have done this with someone's boyfriend.

"Okay Em sit back and relax, we have some serious catching up, I want to know everything about you from what's your favorite color to your preference of marvel characters, I am more of a Spiderman guy myself, I see you as Thor or Ironman." I smile looking towards her.


After I learned that Em's favorite color is blue, she loves sloths, she lived in Australia, and she does prefer Ironman, we were both exhausted. We finished off the whole pizza and sat and talked for 3 hours. It was like I had known her forever, she is such a sweet girl and is super interested in criminal justice law. I had to get up at 10 am and be at my audition by 10:45 am. So I went into my room and rehearsed my lines for an hour before I headed to bed, time to nail this audition and become Mrs. Liv.


I woke up and started getting ready. Em was typing away sitting crisscross applesauce on the floor of the living room we really need to get some furniture.

"Bye Em, see you later!" I wave to her smiling.

"Bye Sades, good luck, you got this!" She says while typing away.

I stop by Aroma for a quick coffee and hop in my Uber. This will be it, I am getting this role and no one is stopping me.

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