Chapter 7: Ariana

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"Well I mean if you are offering." I smile at the two strangers, why did I just decide to say yes to moving in with two strangers, maybe since I'm desperate? Who knows these two could be serial killers looking for young girls to take to their plastic-filled room, I have watched way too much Dexter.

Hi, I am Ariana Somers, a social media influencer, who made a big mistake lets backtrack a little bit. I am currently 21, I went to college for a year, within that year I started posting videos and pictures on Youtube, Tik Tok, and Instagram. I got picked up by a modeling company after my account started to grow rapidly. I moved to L.A where all my work is, I did online school and finished out my first year, interestingly enough I wanted to be a photographer, which leads me to studying visual arts intensely. I currently now do social media full time. I was living with my boyfriend, well now it is my ex-boyfriend, who cheated on me with my best friend. Found out all my so-called amazing "friends" were using me. Let's move on.

"Yay! We don't have to live with iguana lady!" Sadie says to the blonde girl. These girls look out of a magazine they are gorgeous.

"Iguana lady?" I look at her with confusion and laugh to make it not so weird.

"Long story, we will tell you later." She smiles at me.

"Oh! I am Sadie, I am an actress and currently work here for the time being too, and we live in the apartment above." She points up.

"I am Ember, I am a law student and currently have to run to class, I will see you later!" She says running out of the door.

"I am Ariana and well, you both seem very sweet and not like serial killers." I laugh hoping Sadie will too.

"I hope not, I am pretty sure one of the people we interviewed to be our roommate was one." She laughs back. Good, she has a sense of humor unlike Paige that backstabbing-

"Hey Sadie that coffee is not going to make itself." I hear someone from the back say.

"I will bring your coffee to a table." She winks smiling.

After a minute or two Sadie brings me my drink.

"Thank you Sadie." I say looking up at her.

"Of course, now I just started and my break is at 12 pm. If you come back I can show you the apartment and give you a tour!" She says, smiling very desperately. 

"That is perfect I have to do a few things for work so do not worry!" She looks at me mouthing 'you're the best' before heading back.


Before I know it I posted all the sponsored posts, news hasn't gotten out yet that I broke up with Ashton so hopefully, it won't be for a while at least. I cried enough last night and I can not cry anymore.  I tend to suppress my feelings my therapist says I should work on that, so I do.

I check my phone and it is 12 pm and I see Sadie heading over to get me and we head for the exit of the cafe. She takes me through the dim-lit stairs. I am going to get murdered arent I?

"I promise I am not going to kill you." She looks back seeing my very terrified glance. We then get to a door. She puts a silver key in, twisting it and pushing it wide open. I am taken aback by the beauty, the big windows overlooking the streets, the rustic wooden floors, and the simple layout. 

"I love it." That is all I can say, Sadie, smiles back at me.

"Thank gosh Ariana." She lets out a sigh of relief.

"How long have you guys lived here?" I look towards the empty living room.

"Well a few days, we don't have enough saved up yet to get furniture." She half smiles.

"Do not worry about that." The least I can do is buy some furniture, I will be saving so much money without him spending it. The apartment is a downgrade since of course living in the condo was way more pricey. Not to mention that I do not have to spend it on everyone else. That is the very reason I have not told these girls yet.

"Could I possibly crash here tonight, its a long story, and I will fill you guys in later," I say hoping she says yes since I just want to hideaway. 

"Yes of course, I know you haven't signed the lease yet, here's the key, and I will talk to Mike about it today!" She smiles and waves bye.

This is a new start, first thing I do is go onto the closest furniture store and order a couch, some beanbags, and some stools for the kitchen counter. I remember how it felt first to move to L.A. These girls can help me so I will help them. Moving to this big city is scary and there are so many different people that lie and work their way up the line of new upcoming influencers. With Sadie being an actress, I am going to try my best to help her steer clear of the assholes in the acting world. Maybe I tried my fair share of stupid auditions, I never wanted to go yet my manager forced me to. This time it will be completely different. I have someone who has no idea who I am.

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