Chapter 4: Sadie

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I walk into the building with a smile plastered on my face, this is really happening now. 

"Hi, I am here for the audition!" The lady sitting at the front desk in front of me nods her head towards a door. I walk through it, a buzzing room full of 30 girls. Now I start to feel the knots in my stomach setting in, this is insane. A girl with pink hair approaches me.

"Hey, you look nervous, come sit with me girl." I smile and head towards the empty two seats.

"Hi, I'm Sadie."

"Hi I'm Saphire, I haven't seen you before, you probably have seen me in a few TV shows." She smirks.

"I am, I have only been to a few auditions and I was in theatre for a while." I smile trying not to get even more nervous, I knew I shouldn't have auditioned for this big TV show.

"Well don't worry maybe you can get a role, other than Liv, of course, I'm trying out for her."

"Me too." I proudly say.

"Saphire! They are ready for you." The lady said.

"Well good luck." She glances back at me, a look of anger inside. Who does she think she is? Not even 5 minutes later the door opens up and Saphire walks out with a big grin on her face.

"Good luck topping that girl." She says with no remorse. This girl is out for blood and she will have to work harder than that to get to me. I am getting this role.

"Sadie, they are ready for you." The same lady said with a judging look. I stand up proudly, script in my hand, and head towards the doorway, hoping that this will go better than my expectations. I walk in to see three people sitting in chairs. All three males, just lovely. I look to the center of the room to a handsome man standing, Flinn Osward, the hottest man I probably have ever laid eyes on, he must be playing Noah. He smirks at me, looking me up and down. 

"Well, we would like to start on Scene 17, the balcony scene. Take it away." One of the three men said. I decide to close my script and set it on the floor. I imagine Aaron standing in front of me and I focus on the scene at hand.

"Hey, I never thought you would come back?" Then Flinn starts, getting into his character easily.

"Well, I couldn't let you go." He stares into my eyes.

"I'm really sorry Noah, I wish I could go back and-" Flinn looks at me with a sense of urgency and looks down at his script, skimming it.

"No, you made me see what was important in my life, you." I take his hands in my own.

"You really mean that Noah? Without you, I don't know what I would do. You mean everything to me." As if on cue, a tear comes from my eye.

"You mean more than life itself to me, Liv." He finishes smirking up from me and releasing my hands from his. It sent a chill down my spine. The look he gave me, sent me into a part of myself I kept hidden for so long, the unraveling of the bandage around my heart would give at some point, right now the bandaids will just have to do. 

"That was amazing Sadie, thank you!" One of the three men said.

"Thank you so much." I beamed a smile at them pushing that broken part of myself back down again.

"Yes good job Sadie," Flinn said pulling me into a side hug, that same sensation of cold and bitterness came back to me, goosebumps going over my skin. His hand at the small of my back, sliding, I break the hug.

"We will let you know soon, thank you again." 

"Thank you all." I smile and hurry towards the door. A feeling of disgust ran through me. At this point, I am hoping I don't get the role. The feeling I got from Flinn was something I had felt before, and I do not want to feel like that ever again honestly.


I walk into the apartment and to my surprise I see Aaron and Ember, smiling at me with a bottle of wine in Ember's hands.

"How did it go, Sade!" Aaron says smiling at me.

"Um it went great, I will know by tomorrow if I got it, what are you waiting for pour me some!" I fake a smile, hoping one of them does not catch on. They both give me a glance that says you're hiding something.


The three of us sit in my room with glasses of wine, I tell them about the girl Saphire I met and we continue to gossip around. Ember is being super quiet and seems to be in her own little world, I still have yet to crack her, I will though.

Incoming call from Selena

"One sec I have to take this." I stand up and head for the door into the kitchen.

Hey, it's Selena! I have some bad news. Well, that is just great.

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