Chapter 13: Ariana

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Last night was lowkey a shitshow, my hand surprisingly hurts, stupid Flinn for his chiseled face. I wake up and realize my phone did not charge all night. Just great, I walk into the main living room, kitchen area, and see Aaron and the two girls surrounding him looking at something. They both look up at me and a look of anger is on their face.

"You guys are literally scaring me." I say rushing over to look at Aarons phone and they I see me and Flinn outside of the gallery, and my hand on his face with the title of 

"Internet Celebrity with Claws." 

"You have got to be kidding me." I was not even surprised or phased, they are always watching.

"I mean it's not that bad." Sadie says, and I know shes only saying it cause she feels bad about it.

"Whatever that dumbass deserved it anyways." Aaron says under his breath quietly.

"I just hope he doesn't sue." Ember looks over at me and then frowns.

"Im sorry." She says.

"Well, I have a good lawyer," I said smiling slightly.

"I still have to pass the bar which I will be studying like crazy for this week, after that, I got you okay?" She says hugging me tightly. Then I hear my phone come alive and the millions of notifications after.

"This will be a fun day." I say walking back to my room.

21 missed calls from Sarray

Shit, my managers going to be pissed. I call her back.

"What is going on Ari."

"He truly deserved it."

"It doesn't matter you need to go on live and apologize."

"I am not apologizing."

"You will lose the sponsorship with Tarte."

"Okay fine."

I hang up and instantly go on Instagram, and the amount of tags I have is insane. Then I go live. Instantly people are coming in and I wait until it gets to 20k to start talking.

How dare you hit my man.

What is your problem?

You're such a badass.

Good job he's rude.

"Okay guys." I take a deep breath contemplating what to say.

"I know you guys have all seen the video and I publicly want to apologize-" 

Ive been a victim to him.

I see that comment from a familiar name I can not put my finger on it.

"You know what screw this, Flinn Osward deserved that punch from harassing my friend and I will stand by that." I quickly end my live and I feel my heart beating out of my chest. I hear a small knock at my door.

"Come in." I say almost as a whisper, Sadie walks in and sits on my bed and begins hugging me so tight.

"Thank you." She whispers looking deep in my eyes, this meant so much to her and I knew it.

One week later

Its been a week since I did the statement, thankfully Flinn did not press charges, after this many actresses stepped forward telling their stories and of course Flinn found a way to sweep it under the rug, I had lost around 100k followers, I did not care though he needed to not get that power. Sadly Sadie was told that if she said anything about Flinn Oswald that she would be kicked off the production, the only thing is that she would very likely to never get an acting gig if she were to say anything they would ruin her career. Other than that I have been keeping low not posting or checking social media, with everything going on I decided to fire my manager and detox from social media throughout the week. Now is the time, my first post back. I posted a few pictures of empowering women and the sexual assault hotline too. The comments rolled in.

Shes a liar 

We appreciate you speaking up love you! 

Gosh you're so fake

We missed you

Thank you.

These comments are so mixed, and the people hating will never understand that feeling behind their comment. I hear a knock at my door.

"Come is."

"Hey Ari." Ember walks in carrying a water and hands it to me. I smile at her.

"Hey I saw your post." She says sitting down side hugging me.

"I thought Ms. Ember did not use social media much.

"Im on it for you, I even have your post notifications on, I just love you that much." She nudges me making me laugh.

"Im proud of you, you are doing amazing things empowering women to speak up and I know that Sadie appreciates it." She says smiling wide.

"I wish I would have started sooner, people need to speak up more." She looks over smiling.

"I have an idea lets go do something fun, lets get coffee." Ember says.

"We do that every day!" I laugh at her. We both make our way down to Aroma. Sadie has the day off since she had a few scenes to film. We get the usual order and sit down, we caught up on life, Sadie is getting ready for the bar exam and has been looking for jobs in some departments. I run to the bathroom and when I walk back my stomach drops, I rub my eyes not believing what I am seeing it is him. Standing next to Ember having a normal conversation. My heart starts beating out of my chest, I hear it in my ears.

"Michael?" I say staring at him in over disbelief.

"Oh Ari." He looks over to me looking me up and down rubbing the back of his neck. 

"What are you doing in here? You have that nice apartment in Hollywood? The one that I bought and paid for? OH! And that nice coffee maker I left behind for your sorry ass." I say to him spitting fire at him, the pounding in my chest growing even louder.

"Ari its-" He starts.

"No, and now you're sitting here chatting with my best friend, you can not cheat on me with her cause she's actually loyal, nice try you idiot." I say, Ember looks at me very proudly.

"Im sorry." He says looking down at me.

"No you are not." I say. I look around and see phones pointed at me.

"Come on Ember he doesn't deserve the reaction." I say grabbing her hand and walking towards the door. I hear him behind me.

"Call me!" He says laughing away.

"Come on Ari he's not worth it okay?" Ember says.

"Oh believe me I truly know." I smile at her.

We make our way back upstairs and we hear crying from the apartment, we instantly rush in and see Sadie sitting there completely sobbing. We rush over to her and hug her.

"Whats wrong?" We ask.

"Its Flinn." She says. Ember and I look at each other and both our faces drop.

"Let me call Aaron." I say reaching for my phone.

"I will tell him later on, I just want to be with you guys." She whispers.

"Okay lets get the ice cream out and talk okay?" I say. Ember jumps up heading for the kitchen fridge getting the sweets. While I sit there and rub her back. This can not be very good at all, I have never seen her like this, something bad happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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