Chapter 6: Sadie

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I step into the backseat of Aarons's car. Ember sitting beside me, she seems really shaken up.

"Hey want to tell us what happened?" I say looking towards her, I could see in her glossy eyes she was trying to push it down.

"Well I was dancing and some creep came up behind me and grabbed my waist, I tried getting away, he just dug his hands in deeper. That's when that guy saw something was up and rushed over." She says taking a deep breath before looking at me.

"I am so sorry that happened-." Ember cuts me off looking deep into my eyes, fear present clearly.

"No, he said my name, he said that it wasn't over Ember." She looks down at her hands, Aaron checking on us from the rearview mirror. 

"Oh Ember, maybe he heard it from one of us calling at you or something don't look too deep into it. I am so sorry this happened to you. I should have checked in." Aaron says looking back at both of us.

"I'm fine, you're probably right." She smiles, staring out the window at the city lights covering the street heading back to the apartment very focused.

"I just want to know who that guy, he really helped me out."

"You don't know who he is?" Aaron looks back at us. We both look at him sharing confused looks. I sure as hell would know if I saw that hot stranger before.

"He's the lead singer of Gray Blurr, they were supposed to play at the bar tonight." The look on Ember's face was absolutely priceless. Both our eyes widened looking at each other.

"You're telling me that hottie can sing too?" I laugh looking at Ember, her jaw still dropped in complete disbelief, shock.

"Hey what about me." Aaron sends a puppy dog face my way making me roll my eyes.

"Well, you have a girlfriend go ask her for some compliments." I spit it out, regretting it instantly. The both of them look at me, my cheeks going warm instantly. Not a good idea on my end.

"Well, I am going to go inside, thank you for the ride, Aaron, see you later." Ember says before scurrying out of his car. Aarons expression is completely blank in utter confusion. I hop out from the backseat, step outside, and get in the front seat. Do I say something or should I just tell him how I feel?

"Sade what do you mean?" He looks at me confusion written on his face.

"Your girlfriend thing?" I roll my eyes, he's really playing dumb now.

"Emma, her name popped up on your phone when I was putting my number in, saying she was hoping you would stop by and that she hopes you do, she misses you all that crap." I say instantly getting frustrated.

"Sade that is my sister." A wave of relief and embarrassment went over me.

"Well, I now feel stupid." I say looking at him, hoping I did not make a complete fool of myself. Then he takes my hands in his, turning his whole body towards me.

"Do not feel stupid, I have been wanting to do this since the first day I met you." He looks deep into my eyes moving in closer before our lips meet. The butterflies in my stomach come alive, his hand holding my face, then he breaks the kiss looking into his deep blue eyes. The tingling sensation still on my lips. This man is literally amazing.

"I like you Sade, and only you." My heart is beating out of my chest and it does not help when this handsome man is staring at me intensely.

"I like you too Aaron, and only you got it?" Smiling at him again.

"Well, I am sorry for assuming things." I look down at our hands connected. 

"No need to be sorry Sade." 


I walk into the apartment to see Ember sitting at the counter, she looks up. I close the door behind me before beaming a smile at her. She stands up and heads towards me. I take her hands and jump up and down.

"Aaron kissed me!" I say as I see a spark light up inside her.

"I knew he liked you." She giggles back.

"Well I am going to bed, we have a big day tomorrow!"

"What are we doing?" She looks at me suspiciously.

"Were finding a new roommate, I put an ad up at the bar we will have potential candidates here to check out the apartment and 8:30 am before my shift!" I smile at her.


After going through all the candidates I do not think we could have rounded up a crazier batch, we had one woman with an iguana, a lady that said the place had 'amazing' vibes and that she would kill anyone who dares take the apartment, and a 16-year-old trying to move out of her parent's house now. 

"I am so sorry Ember, I can not deal with an iguana running around our kitchen." I laugh looking towards her, we still have yet to get any furniture so we are sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, I really do not think it would be good to take a 16-year old away from her parents." She gets down from the counter.

"I have to go to class, the hour drive is killing me, one more week." 

"Well I am ready to go to work, I will walk out with you." I say getting down from the counter. We walk out the door and down the stairs leading us right in front of the cafe. Ember comes in and gets an iced almond milk coffee cautiously.

"I still can not believe the iguana lady." We both start laughing, then I see a tall red-headed girl, dressed in fun colors and beautiful green eyes, walking in on her phone.

"Yeah, that complete asshole kicked me out of the apartment, I guess I am homeless." She says into the phone. That's when Ember and I look towards each other, thinking the same thing. Hanging up the phone she looks towards both of us quickly smiling.

"You two are gorgeous." She beams a smile sweetly.

"You are too." Ember and I say in unison.

"Could I get a match please." She looks down at my name tag.

"Sadie." I look at Ember.

"Hey, if you need an apartment, we're looking for a roommate." Ember says beaming a smile.

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