Chapter 9: Sadie

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That did not just happen. The girls and I go back to our circle all a bit confused and flustered.

"Ariana I am so sorry, we had no clue and we will change the locks." I say trying to sound confident yet it comes out a little confused. Which I am, very confused and kinda worried at the same time, it is L.A and places most likely get broken into a lot yet it is confusing that the person got the key so quickly. It's been 10 minutes, and how did he know the key belonged to this hidden apartment too. My phone starts to buzz from an unknown called. And of course, it's from an L.A area code so I decided to pick up, both Ariana and Ember staring at the blaring phone.

"Hi is this Sadie Wilson?" A female voice says over the phone.

"Yes, this is her."

"Hi, this is Emma Stewart calling for the audition of Wanna Be you attended earlier in the week, sorry it took so long to get back to you we want to offer you the role of  Olive, Liv's best friend which we found to be a very suitable role for you Sadie Wilson, you're talented" That's when I decided to do my happy dance mouthing 'I got a role' to Ariana and Ember then the both of them joining me jumping.

"Yes, I would love that, thank you so much. " 

"Meet at the audition center tomorrow and we will help you from there, and congratulations Sadie."

"Thank you so much, have a good night too," I say before hanging up the phone and completely dancing freaking out smiling.

"I think this calls for some wine!" Ember says heading to the fridge and getting three glasses.

She sets them down and opens the wine, then pouring the glasses halfway. The joy literally running through my veins, I am beyond excited to be a part of something I have dreamed and wanted my whole life, this will be a way to get my name out there and to really dig deep into being an actress.


I stare up at the familiar audition center, with a beaming smile on my face. I walk in to see Saphire.

"Jadie! I mean Sadie! How are you? Did you get a part, I know they really needed some extras, so excited for you girl!" Please give me the strength.

"Good actually! I got Olive." I weakly smile at her waiting for more bullshit to come from her mouth. I just see her face turn red, I knew she didn't get Liv.

"Oh, that is great, I actually got Liv's enemy, good for you." She smiles slightly gritting her teeth.

"Okay everyone nice to see you all! We are going to go to the room down the hall and get to know each other and run through the first scene. Production starts tomorrow, make sure you are practicing those lines!"

I walk into the room, the seats were labeled by character, I was between a girl named Emma, and Flinn, just great. I sit down and wait for everyone to come in and to my surprise, Flinn wasn't there, maybe this would be a good day. I turn to see a gorgeous brunette tall girl sit beside me, I smile at her, she smiles back surprisingly.

"Hi, I'm Emma."

"Hi, I am Sadie, its nice to meet you."

"Now that you are all settled, I am Jen, the producer of this movie! It is nice to see all the smiling faces, I would like you all to go around and say your name and where your from and of course who you are playing to!" Then Flinn walks in, all the girls practically drooling over him then I hear Emma sigh.

"Sorry I am late everyone." He beams a smile, this man's teeth are so white I feel slightly dazed.

He sits down beside me while looking over to Emma who ignores him.

"Emma how about you start!" She quickly smiles.

"Hi I am Emma and I am from Miami Florida, I am playing Liv Stone." I give her a quick smirk.

"Hey everyone, I am Sadie, I am from a tiny town in Missouri, and I am playing Olive Bay." 

"Hi as most of you know I am Flinn, I am from Los Angeles, California and I am playing Noah Sweet."

He looks over to me then places his hand on my thigh, instantly sending chills through me. I take his hand a move it, looking up smiling. He laughs it off.

"If he bothers you tell me, I'm not afraid of that pretty boy," Emma whispers in my ear, this must-have happened to her. I never really let guys walk over me, it is not in my personality, so if he thinks he can mess with me he has the wrong girl. He has no clue what I have been through and how mentally tough I am. He is not messing with Sadie Wilson.


"Let me get this straight you are working with Flinn Oswald and he's a total Ass hat?" Ariana says beaming, I thought she was going to go crazy when I told her about the whole thigh and hand situation, she's been around people like that who think since they have a following they can use girls.

"Yeah, I have to work with him and be friendly, which if he tries that crap again I am not holding back."

"Poor Emma has to act in love with him." 

"I know I feel bad for her, just hoping he won't pull that with her, she's a tough girl, he has something coming soon." I hear the door begin to jingle, Ariana and I jump up from our seats and I feel like I can hear both our hearts beating out of our chests or maybe I am crazy. We go over to the door and we both grab an object hoping to defend ourselves, our items of choosing were a butter knife and pepper from Ariana's keys. The door slowly opens and we see Ember staring at us with wide eyes frowning.

"Guys you have officially now lost it." She says laughing.

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