Chapter 5: Ember

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Well, I can see why Sadie likes Aaron, he can really keep a conversation going, which is beneficial for me since I keep nodding hoping he will keep talking so it does not get awkward. Well and he has dreamy eyes and seems to be perfect for Sadie, they both know how to keep a room lively which I am jealous of. Sadie storms into the room with a look of rage in her eyes, I do not want to be on the other side of that.

"Guess who just called me, Selena, and guess who just said she doesn't want to live with us anymore since she's moving in with her boyfriend, Selena, and guess who has to find another roommate by the end of the week, us." She throws her phone towards the bed, sitting down facing me, a look in her eye that makes me think she may take the pencil laying on her desk and stab me with it.

"Hey, we will figure it out, don't worry we can find someone else." I smile trying not to think about the fact we both do not have the funds to pay for it by ourselves.

"Hey hey hey, it will be okay Sade, I will help you guys out do not worry." Aaron gets up and sits beside her rubbing the small of her back.

"Thank you, Aaron, we can do this, we will just have to ask around." She looks up at him smiling. I wish I had someone like that. My whole life guys used me or belittled me which made me never, in fact, say yes to a guy asking me out on a date, except for one, I would rather finish school and get my law degree before even crossing paths with another confusing one.

"Hey, I have an idea! It's Friday, we don't have plans let's go to that little bar down the street, Candies!" Aaron stands up taking both Sadie and I's hands.

"Um I have actually never been to a bar," I say looking towards Sadie.

"What! You're 23 and haven't been to a bar babe?" Sadie looks at me as if I have just killed her dreams.

"Yeah, never was really my scene anyways." I say.

"Well, I guess we are taking her bar virginity, Aaron." They look at each other and back at me, both smiling with a look of excitement.


We walk into Candies and Aaron was completely kidding, this bar was huge. The bar full of people surrounding it, the dance floor packed with hormonal adults, and a stage in the back with a few people mingling around it patiently. 

"This place is huge Aaron," Sadie says elbowing him.

"We do not want to scare Mrs. Bar virgin." They both giggle, I roll my eyes.

"Hey if you are going to call me this all night we are going to have a problem." I laugh back. I feel Sades' hand grab ahold of mine quickly, dragging me in the direction of the bar.

"I will get two screwdrivers," Sadie says, she is really trying to suppress something. I lean on the bar, the bartender gives us our drinks and I take a sip, the burning sensation trickling down my throat. Atleast I do not have to think tonight. That is the plan at least.

"Hey slow down kid." I look to Sadie and roll my eyes, I used to drink in high school before the incident, and now I want another. I wave over the bartender and order a shot for Sadie and I. He delivers and we throw them back.

"You guys seem to be having fun, lets go dance." Aaron nods towards the dance floor which is now peeking my interest currently, why the hell not.

"Yeah, let's go." I push my way through the crowd of people and I find myself in the middle. The feeling of the music sends a wave of euphoria over me, I have not felt this way in a long time. It felt like being free, the wave of regret and stress not even there. That's when I feel a pair of cold hands grab onto my waist. Which sent a chill where the hands were. I look around and see no sign of Sadie or Aaron and panic. I try to wiggle free by walking in front of me. Nothing. The hands still cemented on the waist pulling me closer to the man. Nope, not tonight, this is not happening. I look around for anyone, in panic mode. Then I find a pair of dark brown eyes, I look at the man. Tattoos covering his arms, his tall and lean body push through the crowd. The man digs his nails into my side. I wince at the pain.

"This isn't over Ember." The man behind me says in a chilling whisper sending me into a panic. How the hell does he know my name? I meet with the dark brown eyes which are getting closer. A sense of anger in his eyes as he heads towards me. 

"What the hell are you doing man?" He says to the man standing behind me. I feel the release of his grip instantly. A feeling of relief floods over me and I make a run for the door. The loud music blaring through me did not feel so exciting as it did before. I push the door, the cold breeze hitting my hot skin, the lump in my throat slowly subsides as I turn to the right of the entrance and sit on the cement. The panic still within my chest, how did he know my name, and what does he want from me now? My heavy breathing making my head feel light. The door of the exit pushes open and those familiar brown eyes meet my panicked ones once again.

"Hey, are you alright?" The brown-eyed man looks down at me, his hand reaching for mine.

"I am okay," I say, not even believing myself. He sits beside me. His warmth and half-smile make me feel safe.

"You do not seem like it, that guy was a total jackass. I saw what he did. Not cool at all." He says looking towards me.

"It's okay, thank you for stepping in." I put my heads in my hands rubbing my eyes. This night has been more than enough for me. The cold air hits my skin making me think back to that cold October day, where I lost everything.

"Do not worry, he's gone." He says wrapping his arm around me, a warm and comforting sensation, the knots that were there in my stomach were no more, the fluttering sensation was new to me. Back in high school and even within college now, no guy has ever been so gentle. I grew up with the perception that all men are cheats and only want one thing and constantly steering clear of them was my best effort and helped me get further into law. We stayed there for a second before Aaron and Sadie came storming out.

"Ember, are you okay? We saw you run out? Did something happen?" Sadie bends down in front of me staring into my eyes. The stranger that just helped me jumped up, Aaron giving him an odd look.

"I am okay. Let's just go home. I need some sleep." I smile at her looking for the stranger, he locks eyes with me smiling before heading back inside.

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