Chapter 10: Ember

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Play Heavensent by Trophy Eyes

Spending my whole week studying was draining, constantly looking over material and at a computer screen thankfully it went by quickly and Gage was a fun study partner, we decided to go down to Aroma to study since he hadn't seen the apartment yet. Ariana was doing her influencer stuff, she actually posted a picture of the three of us on Instagram, and I ended up gaining a whole bunch of followers like 30k, that's when I got a million dms including a very special one from a sugar daddy that was interested in paying off some of my debt by spending time with him. Anyways Sadie has been complaining about Noah Sweet being a perv.

"Okay its time to focus daydreamer, when was this weirdo lawyer even doing at a bar all the way over here now?" Gage hasn't been able to let this go since I told him about it.

"I have no clue I wish I knew honestly." I shrugged, I haven't stopped thinking about that night since it happened, it just did not add up and then with the whole key mishap it was making me even more nervous, what could he want?

Sadie came around the corner smiling at us, it was getting close to closing.

"Hey guys we're closing in ten, I talked to Aaron and he said you guys can always hang out just lock up when you get done, okay guys?" She hands me the key.

"Yes thank you Sades I appreciate it and you're the best." Gage says and I smile back.

We continued talking for a while until it was getting to late, about 6pm when Gage decided to leave.

"I will see you tomorrow morning bright and early to see if we graduate." He throws a smile back and I laugh seeing him do his little finger guns. 

I sat there for another hour until my eyes felt like they would close and have me drift off to sleep in no time. I walked toward the front and locked it then went out the back making sure to lock it as well, going up the stairs to the apartment opening the door to see Ari and Sades laughing and my zombie-like motions where I drag my feet to my room plopping down and go out like a light.

I woke up to my alarm blaring stumbling to the bathroom to take a hot shower. The hot water trickles onto my body the sensation leaving me unable to have the mental stability to get out, my music having me daydreaming about not having to get up this early for a while. I force myself out and wrap myself in a towel, I smell bacon in the air and my ears perk up. I quickly get dressed wearing my skinny jeans, white button-up, and tightly fit blazer. I sprint towards the door to see Sades and Ari in the kitchen smiling. A perfect plate sitting on the island.

"Happy Last Day of Finals!" They say I have never had such amazing friends ever.

"You guys are literally the best!" I say as I pretend to wipe tears under my dark circled eyes.

"So proud of you, you got this!" Ari says smiling.

"We hope you like it, you have to eat up quickly you have to leave soon!" Sades says beaming.

I scoff down my breakfast and make way for the door.

"This is the sweetest thing ever. Thank you so much, guys. I don't deserve you." I smile and shut the door, making my way for my vehicle out front. 

Walking into the classroom my stomach was filled with nervous butterflies. I took my seat next to Gage and patiently waited for the test to be handed out.


Walking into the apartment I saw Aaron, Ari, and Sades with smiles on their face waiting for the answer to if I passed.

"I passed!" I started jumping up and down and the girls followed, coming up to me and hugging me.

"This calls for a celebration!" Ari says smiling.

"Let's go to that bar down the street, a round is on me!" She smiles looking around at all of us, I could see Sades and Aarons's face drop looking at me with concern.

"That is a good idea!" I smile, I'm going to have to get over it sometimes, this time I'll bring my pepper spray with me and I will be fine.


We walk in and head straight to the bar, the place was packed and loud music was blasting through the bar, live music Friday.

"Ill have 4 shots of your good stuff." Ari says smiling at the bartender who clearly had his eyes on her.

"You got it gorgeous."

I stand there nervously waiting for my liquid courage. The bartender hands us out shots.

"1, 2, 3" We all down them, the liquid burning my throat and I will say, it felt good.

After getting a vodka with soda and downing it we made our way to the front of the stage. A familiar voice playing through my ears, a deep and almost firey tone came from the melodic individual I look up and see a familiar set of brown eyes. Just I looked up he locked eyes with me smiling while the lyrics spewed out of him. When the song ends he whispers into the guitarist's ear which makes his shoot a look of confusion.

"This next one is a cover of one of my favorites, this is Heaven Sent by Trophyeyes." The opening line comes and his eyes beam at me. His stare continues like he's singing the song to me. Goosebumps danced on my skin and butterflies fly in patterns.

Lay your head on my shoulder,

As I draw pictures in your skin.And I leave lines behind with my fingertips,Like lines in wet sand.One day the tide will come,And wash away everything that I did.And your memories of me will disappear,Into bad dreams.

The song continues until the very last verse comes up and he comes straight up to me staring into my eyes while I stare into his dark and intriguing eyes my heart rate racing as he takes my hand into his, a fire burning through me. I feel my cheeks burn. I wish this feeling would 

So damn smart and interesting.

Don't say that you weren't warned,I'm so dangerous.

The words imprinting in my memory. The lights go dark and I feel the fire slowly leave me. When the lights turn on I feel the eyes of everyone in the room on me and my face as bright as a tomato.

"That was hot like damn." Ari whispers into my ear.

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