Being Invisible

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Chapter 1

Hello my name is Callie Walton aka Miss Invisible. No, I'm not being overdramatic like most teenage girls are, I mean it; to the world I'm invisible. Plain and simple really, I can never fit in with my peers and teachers sometimes forget that I'm in their class. My parents even forgot my birthday twice. Most of the students forget about me, but I'm used to that I guess. It's hard to be shy and unpopular. I'm not stuck up like most of the kids in my class think. I'm pitifully shy. Awful excuse, I know, but I can't help myself. Sometimes I really do want to comfort of being invisible, like when it's time for class presentations. But there are other times, like during a pep-rally, that I really wish I had a friend that would save me a seat. Yep that's me, Miss Invisible.           

I sit in the back corner in virtually every class. I like to watch my classmates from my perfect hiding spot. They don't know that I study them, of course, and it's not like I'm a stalker. I just want to listen to their conversations and see if maybe one day I can join into their lively banter. You know maybe one day I'll draw up the courage to actually leave my hiding spot in the corner and actually hold a conversation with some of them, and if I study them and what they normally talk about, then maybe I can hold my own. Slim chance, I know, but hey a girl can dream.                                                                                                                                                 

      Today I am sitting in math class watching and listening to a conversation, under the pretense of reading a book and I hear them discussing me. I mean, come on, I can hear them, but I guess they don't realize how easily their voices travel.

            "It's sad really. Does she even have any friends?" I heard Kelly Lanett, the ultra popular gossip girl, say to her group of adorning fans aka 'friends'.                                                            

          "I don't think so, I mean look at her. All she ever does is sit in the corner and read books. She has to read like a book a day with all the reading she does. She sits by herself in lunch, and at the pep-rallies, and anything that normally you would sit with your friends. Maybe she thinks she's better than all of us. I don't know, but what I do know is that she definitely doesn't belong here." That lovely little speech came from the king of the ultra popular group, head courter back Sean Watkins. I would agree with him on the book thing, I read about a book a day, but hey when you don't have anyone to talk to you need to fill up that time somehow. I read and the characters become my friends. Pathetic, I know. 

             "Okay guys I mean I don't think she thinks she's better than us, I just think that she doesn't understand how to get along with people like us. When she first came here I tried to be nice and talk to her, all I got was mumbles and one words answers. She's really smart I know that. Maybe she feels that she can't talk to us because she doesn't understand how to communicate with people our age." This came from less-popular-but-still-one-of-the-group resident physiologist-in-the-making Eva Stevenson. If I was the type of person that had friends, I would want her in my circle. But unfortunately that door is over with and closed. When I transferred to this school she tried to be my friend, but I couldn't think of anything to say to her, so the would-be friendship dissolved in a matter of days.   

               "Eva we all know that you immediately look at the good in people and are always willing to give anybody an excuse to be the way they are. I think she's a freak, maybe a smart freak, but still a freak. Don't give her excuses and don't plead her case, because we all know that you'd do that for anyone, even her. She could talk to us if she wanted, not that we'd have anything to do with her, but she could at least put up the effort to try to talk to us." Eric Matthews is a jerk, plain and simple. He's second in command to the King, but only by a few votes. He's never even talked to me and he's declared me a freak. I really do not appreciate that.        

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