The party

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Chapter 15

This chapter is dedicated to somuchloveinherheart. Without your support this story would not be as far along as it currently is. :D


I am dirt, lower than the low. I just broke a girl's already broken heart. I mean who does that? Driving away from Callie's house and not rush back in and comfort her and tell her the truth was the hardest thing that I have ever done. No I'm not really gay. I mean as far as I know I'm not gay. You never know.

I thing that I do know is that I really care about that girl, and I just tore apart what was left of her sanity and her heart. Yep I might be one of the worst people out there. I sat in Mason's car and tried not to cry or show any emotion. We were getting ready to go to a party after all.

"D stop moping. We got you exactly what you needed. She was clingy and unpopular and because of you she was the object of people's hatred. Now she's off of your back and back into the invisible category. We are going to have some fun tonight. You know what you need? To get completely wasted and some fun time with a girl. When was the last time you were not responsible for a person? Come on man you need to loosen up." Mason said from the driver's seat. I knew he had a point in what he was saying, but why did I have to crush an innocent girl in the process.

"Hey dude, you realize that we have to act interested in each other whenever she's around right? And that will cause quite a stir." I said with a smirk on my face. It sounded good at the time, but after thinking about it, I now realize that this was not one of Mason's best ideas.

"Yeah but you'll bang a girl tonight and so will I. People will think that we're bi or something. She's the only one that will think we are full blown gay. No big deal dude. She doesn't talk to anyone, so it's not a problem. I'm telling you this was a good idea. And now you can have some real fun, and act like an actual high schooler. Instead of being responsible for some needy girl." Mason said parking his car at some mansion. I didn't even know whose house this was. But at the moment Mason's plan sounded alright. I'm not an overly big drinker, just at parties, but I needed to forget tonight and this was the best way possible.

We walked in and Kelly was standing there.

"Hey Mase I see you brought Dalton. Thank you so much. I will show him a good time." She said seductively. Oh my this was going to be interesting.

"Sure thing Kelly, just make sure you get him really plastered. He needs a drink, he's had a rough night. He's never really been to a party before." Mason said, looking like a dog willing to do whatever his master wanted, and since Kelly was queen bee, I guess she was master.

Kelly looked like she was ready to party. Super short strapless dress that clung to her. I could see down the front of her dress since she was so short. But I think that was the look she was going for. I know a hoe-bag when I see one and she was definitely one.

She grabbed my hand and led me over to the makeshift bar and asked the bartender for the strongest thing that they had. I was then handed a tall glass of who knows what, which I downed quickly.

The room spun a little, but in a good way. I handed the glass back thinking I should take it slower, but Kelly had other ideas. She had it refilled and in my hand in no time. I chugged that one too. Kelly was starting to look less trampy, and I was starting to feel less bad about my sorry self.

By the fifth drink that I downed it was pretty easy to say that I was now pretty toasted, not that I minded. I needed the alcohol to feel better. Mason was right, this is what I needed.

Kelly looked at me and then decided that I was now ready to dance with her. I have no idea how to dance, but being drunk helped.

Kelly started to grind against me and I felt myself forget how to feel and just gave myself over to the sensations.

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