Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I had made up my decision that I was going to stay behind and let Dalton go free. He needed to go back to his mom, he was all she had left. I couldn't take him away from her too. She would care for Bailey, I know she will, and Dalton will be there to help her. Bailey will have my journals for when she gets older and can't remember me anymore. I was at peace with my decision.

This wasn't a decision that I had made lightly, it had taken so much thought and consideration, but the things they were doing were making me crazy and I couldn't take it much longer. I was going to go crazy. It had been four days since the torture began and they were, while creative, they could make a person crazy.

First it was simple, slap in the face, threats, and mind playing games. Day two started the Chinese Water Torture, a slow drip of water constantly spraying my face. It doesn't seem that bad, but it was awful. By the third day I wanted to claw my eyes out, and they knew it.

Late last night they decided to stop the water and I couldn't have been happier. They were showing they still had a heart and that they were not going to make me completely lose my head. Maybe that was part of the mind games, I'm not sure.

Today was the day, that someone was going to go free and someone was going to die. They cleared out of the room so Dalton and I could discuss it. It was their last nice gesture that I would see.

When they cleared the room Dalton and I didn't speak for several minutes, we just looked at each other. It felt like we were communicating with our eyes and in that moment I have never felt so connected with another human.

"Dalton your mom needs you, you are all she has left. She will need help raising Bailey and I know you would be good to her." I started by saying. I knew he was not going to like my decision, but my mind was made up.

"No, No, No! I am not leaving you to die. I'm staying, this is my mess and I'm going to pay the price." He looked like he wanted to die at the thought of me leaving me behind.

"Dalton, Bailey and your mom need you-" I started to say , but he cut me off.

"You are the only family that Bailey has left! You go."

"No. You have a better chance of locating them and helping to raise Bailey. She has my diaries. That is what she can remember me by. I wrote her a note at the end explaining what was going to happen. I figured it would go down badly. Plus, I made a promise to your mother that I intend to keep!" I was going to defend my place.

"I don't want to lose you." He whispered. He sounded like a lost child. I knew how he felt, but I needed to be brave for him

"I know babe... I know. Look maybe if you get away you can get help and then we can both be together with Bailey and your mom." We both knew it wasn't going to end that way, but he needed to hope.

"Then you go." He countered.

"You're faster."

"I'm not leaving you."

"It's either that or we both die. Do you want that?" I asked.

"This is so unfair!"He shouted.

"Well life isn't always fair." Demtrii said as he waked back into the room. The man was the devil. I knew he was.

"So my dears what is your decision?" He said.

"I'll stay!" We both said in unison.

"Tsk, tsk, that's not what we agreed on. One of you stays and one goes. That's it, speak up."

"I'm staying." I declared before Dalton could speak.

"Wow Dalton, she must love you! Although you never did man up to anything." Demetrii mocked. Dalton tried to free himself from the chains, but it didn't work. He was trapped.

"Not so fast, you'll be free, hold your horses." Demetrii let the chains go, but he had two body guards next to him ready to hold him down. They picked him up and started to carry him away when he spoke.

"Can I at least say goodbye to her?" He pleaded.

"Sure knock yourself out." Demetrii mocked. Dalton ran to me and hugged me tight. He looked into my eyes and we had one of those communication without actually speaking things with our eyes. His eyes shone with love and I knew he was going to get me out of this.

"I love you. You are the very best anyone could ever ask for. No one will ever compare to you." He whispered on the verge of tears. He kissed me softly after I told him I loved him. I didn't want him to see me cry.

"Go" I whispered to him. And after one last kiss, he did.

"So what's the game plan now?" I asked after he was out of sight. It was just me and Demetrii left in the room.

"I want a kiss." He said smugly.

"Not gonna happen." I bit out.

"Well then I guess you die, right now." Okay, forget this "destiny" thing, I didn't want to die! Demetrii pulled out his gun and I panicked.

"Okay I'll kiss you!" I said desperately.

"Good girl" He commended.

I closed my eyes and waited for the kiss. It came and was gross, what I wasn't expecting was him to put the gun to the side of my head. My eyes snapped open and I looked at him in his evil eyes. His lips were still on mine and he laughed against my lips as he pulled the trigger and my world went black.


When she thought I was out of the room she asked D what now? I knew and my heart broke. This couldn't be happening, not to her. I couldn't just stand by and let him kiss and kill her. It wasn't fair! The boys restrained me and gave me looks of sad displeasure. They liked her too. They had told me so one night when she was asleep.

He went in for the kiss and I watched the realization come over Callie and she started struggle. He laughed and pulled the trigger and she slumped to the floor. He knew I was here so I screamed out in agony over what I had just witnessed. I heard his laughing become louder and I heard his voice.

"Go on pretty boy, get out of here. My job is finished. I don't have to worry about you any more."

So I left. I walked numbly around wondering what to do next. He thought I wasn't gonna report him and he was right. There were several cops that he was friends with and I would wind up dead. I had to live and take care of mom and Bailey. I had a feeling I knew where she was.

Sometimes the good guys don't win and the bad guys finish first. Sometimes your heart gets ripped out of your chest and you are left broken. They tell you when you are little to believe in fairy tales and when you grow up you can have your own. Well they never tell the fairy tales with the sad endings, lies, or deceit. That's what the real world teaches you. It takes your innocence and good nature out and replaces it with evil and death. I felt dejected.

I went back to Callie's house, got my car keys and drove to where I thought my mom was. I knocked on the door, tears pooling in my eyes and hoping she would answer the door.

My hopes were realized when my mom opened the door and I crushed her in a hug, letting the tears fall down my face.

"Where's Callie?" My mom asked. Just hearing her name made me cry harder.

"Mom there are some things I need to tell you." I said without looking at her.

"Okay baby, let's go inside." When we were seated I began to tell her the whole story, including the death of my father, brother, and eventually my only true love. She listened and cried with me, but never condemned me, never judged me. After I was finished I looked at her for the first time.

"Oh baby. I'm sorry you got involved with all that. It breaks my heart." That was all she said.

"What? Why are you not angry?" I asked confused. This was where she was supposed to call me a monster and to leave as fast as I could.

"Baby, I'm upset over what you told me, but I forgive you. It's hard to keep all those secrets bottled up inside you." She looked over to James Gray, who used to be our preacher when we were a church going family. He was a good man, and I looked over to him, expecting to see repulsion, but instead saw acceptance.

"Alright son, get some rest." I walked to the room where Bailey was and curled up on the floor of her room. I slept and dreamt of Callie.

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