The boyfriend

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Chapter 8

It’s been two weeks since the funeral and I feel I’ve been coping well as could be expected. Since it’s Saturday I decided there would be no harm in sleeping in. My mom doesn’t eat breakfast and her coffee is set on auto timer, so there is no reason for me to be up really early today. I woke up slowly and to my surprise I smell bacon cooking. Who is cooking? Did my mom decide to stay home today and was making breakfast? That would be a first.

I showered and dressed and walked downstairs. About half way down I hear a man humming. First off there is no man supposed to be in my house. Second, why was he humming and making breakfast? No common burglar would do that. I can just see it now; a ransacked house, with a plate full of cooked bacon and a note.

‘Sorry about your house. Here’s some bacon. Hope that cheers up your day’ Yeah… Like that would ever happen.

I continue to walk into the kitchen and decide to take this bacon man down myself.

“Who are you and what are you doing?” I asked with more authority than I felt.

“Well my dear, my name is Randy Washington. You must be my lovely girl’s oldest daughter. And as to what I’m doing. Last I checked I was making breakfast.” Wait back this love fast up… His girl? Does he mean… No it can’t be… I liked the situation better when he was a burglar.

“Wait does that mean…” I let my voice trail off. She couldn’t let him move in so soon after my father’s death. She really must not have ‘grieved’ for him like everyone thought she did. Deep down, she has a heart of ice.

“Yes darling he has moved in with us.” My mother said from the doorway. She wasn’t even ashamed to admit this. Oh wow, I have one messed up life at the moment.

“In case you have forgotten, mother, you laid your husband to rest two weeks ago today. Don’t you think you should wait a little while before you let this man into our house?” My voice was laced with venom and sarcasm and I really didn’t care. I normally am a respectful person, but there are some things that people with morals just don’t do.

“Watch your mouth around your mother young lady.” Cheater man said to me. HA, like he had any room to give me any correction in anything.

“You of all people are going to correct me?” I said matter-of-factly. Wow I’ve been up for fifteen minutes and already this day has taken a miserable turn.

“Young lady you will speak to neither him nor me that way. Am I understood?” This came from my mother. I didn’t respond.

“Am I understood?” Oh, well I guess she was waiting for an answer. Wow, I miss the days that I could blend in with the walls.

“Yes” I said and stalked off to my room. I figured since my mom was up to disciplining people today she could take care of her youngest child. I flopped onto my bed. I felt like a fish, but I was too angry to care. I looked over at my bedside table and saw a piece of ripped paper and knew what it was. It was Dalton’s number. Yeah I could use him today. He has been so sweet to me since I returned to school. He doesn’t care that people are talking about us or that he is pretty much only talking to me during the school day. He stays by my side. I really need someone and he was the only one I could think of. I dialed his number.

“Hello?” He answered on the third ring.

“Hey Dalton?”

“Hey, Callie, what’s up?” His voice sounded concerned.

“Are you free today?”

“Yeah. Do you want me to come pick you up and we can go somewhere?” He asked. He had no idea how good that sounded.

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