" You summoned me, grandfather," Astrid said as she looked through the door and found her parents with him.
"Enter my dear."
She felt that there was something big that they wanted to discuss with her. She sat next to her father and Anthony began to speak.
"As you well know, the kingdom has been facing some trouble. The court decided to create and alliance with Greece but that failed and we were left with Egypt as our only option. We actually received their letter today."
" You did ?" she asked." What did they say ? "
" They only asked for you to marry their second prince. His name is Seti."
" No. I don't accept that. I'm not marrying someone I don't know," she said as she stood up preparing to leave.
" This marriage will do the kingdom much good. Don't forget that since you were born, your duty to the kingdom comes first!"
" I don't even know the man,"she protested.
" Actually, we had some spies sent there to check on the family. Ramses has two sons and a daughter. His oldest is Smenkkhare while Seti is his second son. His daughter is Rashida. From what we received, Seti is an outstanding man. He is twenty two seasons old. Just two years your elder. I actually feel that marrying him will be the best for you," Charles said proudly.
" Excuse me ?" she asked in disbelief." Is this why you advocated for me to break up with Julian ? Because you had hopes for me to marry into the Egyptians ?"
" I also believe that it is a good option. Our spies have never failed. They come from a long family of spies dedicated to serving the king. They even found mother for father and they had a happy marriage," Therese smiled at the memory of when her mother was still alive. The king was the happiest man but death snatched her away when Therese was fifteen and their father was never the same man again. He became a grumpy, irritable and a bitter man.
"But I want to have the freedom to choose whom I want to marry."
" It's already settled. The court has agreed to this union and we have already sent a letter telling them that we agree. I believe that they will show up soon for the celebration of your nuptials. Best be prepared for it Astrid."
" I don't want to. He may turn out to be another Atticus and I would be damned if I got married to such a man."
" I actually saw Seti when he was a boy. He is a well mannered person and of good conduct. Besides, from the report we got, he could be the next Pharaoh. That could elevate your position. You could be the empress of their empire. Think about it Astrid. You would be an empress not just a queen. We have always had our dreams for you so don't let yourself miss this chance,"Anthony said.
" It's not about the position of the man in question. It's about my personal happiness. Is that not important ?"
" I didn't love your grandmother when we married. We found happiness later and it was a lasting marriage so don't use that as an excuse. Duty should come first."
" You're unbelievable," she said as she stormed out of the room. She had just broken up with Julian and here they were telling her to marry someone else and that they had already agreed. Couldn't they give her a break ?True to their agreement, the Egyptians had made preparations to travel all the way north to celebrate the royal nuptials between Prince Seti and Princess Astrid. This happened exactly two moons after they had sent a letter to Alkion telling them that they would come and have the marriage done. After the wedding, they would return with their bride back to Egypt. The travel took four days. The Pharaoh had chosen specific people to attend the wedding.
They received a warm welcome from the people of Alkion. They entered the city with pomp and praise from the people who were also pleased with the alliance between their princess and a prince of Egypt. The union would bring prosperity and security for them.
They came in numerous chariots coated heavily with gold and other precious jewels. They had to prove that they were wealthy and powerful. The clothes worn by those riding in the chariots could tell a million words however odd and exposed they were. The Egyptians basked in the glory and praise they received from the people.

Historische RomaneAstrid, a princess in the lands of Alkion is betrothed to Julian, a count but when her grandfather who is king orders Julian's father's execution, he breaks the betrothal and leaves her broken. She is left to be a choice bride by foreign suitors. On...