Luciana moved away from Fabian and struggled to tie her dress but she couldn't. Germaine blinked continuously and ran out. Aretha was fuming and there was no way she could tolerate what she saw.
"Let me explain," Fabian said. This time Aretha would expose them. He knew of her strong dislike for Luciana.
"Don't talk to me," she screamed and walked towards Luciana who was trembling. "You really are something, aren't you ?"
"My lady please. I beg you to please have mercy on me. I am only but a servant. Don't tell on us," Luciana cried and sniffled.
Aretha dragged her by her dress out of the room as she cried with Fabian following them. He tried to help Luciana out but Aretha's grip was tight and in the struggle Luciana's dress got torn. She tried to hold it together using her hands but it couldn't help much. They met Astrid and Julian along the corridors. Astrid was confused.
"What's going on ? Aretha, why are you mishandling Luciana. Let go of her," she said and pulled Luciana to herself.
"What's going on ? What's going on ? Ask her. She was making out with your brother in the painting room. Look at her dress. It's open at the back and I don't even want to know what they would have done if Germaine and I had not found them." Aretha's shouting caught the attention of Charles, Therese, Eugene and Anthony who came rushing to see what was going on.
" What is going on here ? "Anthony demanded after taking in the sight in front of him. Aretha repeated what she had seen and the king was furious. Astrid was shocked and couldn't say anything. Luciana was a mess and could not control her crying. Fabian looked at the floor embarrassed because of what was going on.
" Is this true ?" Anthony asked. Luciana couldn't speak and fell to the floor in humiliation. Other servants watched the drama unfold behind the walls because they would be in trouble if they were found.
"Speak up," Aretha shouted at Luciana.
"Y yy yes yyyooouuur ma ajesty," she stammered.
"Is this the kind of woman you saw fit to conduct and affair with Fabian ? Huh ? A maidservant!" In anger he took a torch and hit Fabian over and over. Charles stopped him.
"Don't hit him. This can be discussed in private."
"Don't tell me what to do Charles. He got this trait from you. Your philandering rubbed itself on him. Like father like son. He is now sleeping around with a stupid maidservant. Is he thinking about his reputation as a future king ? Huh ? And you,"he said as he lifted Luciana's hand with the torch stick on his hand. "Look at me!" he demanded. "I won't let filth like you try and bring shame to my family. You How dare you think that you can have my grandson ? You come from a family of servants and that's where you belong!You are nothing but a dirty maid."
"Enough!" Astrid shouted." That's enough."
She bent and helped Luciana stand. She took her hand and they went to her room.
Luciana couldn't help it but cry uncontrollably.
"Here," Astrid said as she held out one of her night dresses to Luciana."You need to change from your dress."
"I can't accept your clothes my lady. I am filth."
" You are not filth Luciana,"Astrid sighed." Here wear it."
Luciana wore it and stood looking at the floor." I am so sorry my lady for doing that and keeping it from you. I didn't mean to."
" Come sleep in my bed. We'll discuss it tomorrow."
"Sleep in your bed ? I can't."
"I can't let you go outside because if my grandfather or Aretha sees you, I don't know what they could do to you. Quit being stubborn. The bed is big enough."
Luciana did as she was told and slept at the edge of the bed.Outside Eugene clapped his hands and let out a laugh.
"Who would think that a future king of Alkion could be sleeping around with a maid. This is news. Even better than Julian and Astrid's engagement."
"That's enough. You have to leave now," Therese said. Eugene left still laughing. He lived to see such drama happen especially in the royal household.
"I apologize for his behaviour," Julian said.
"It's alright Julian."
"I'll leave now."
With a quick bow he left. There was silence.
"You failed me," Anthony said to Fabian and left.
" It's alright son. We'll handle this," Charles said.
"Go to bed Fabian. It has been quite the night," Therese said.
"Goodnight," Fabian said and went to his room.
"You too Aretha. Go to bed."
She went off to her room feeling pleased by Luciana's humiliation but sorry for Fabian. This had to be done though so that she could get rid of Luciana. Germaine had already left feeling hurt. This angered Aretha more. That Luciana had gotten the trouble she'd asked for.

Historical FictionAstrid, a princess in the lands of Alkion is betrothed to Julian, a count but when her grandfather who is king orders Julian's father's execution, he breaks the betrothal and leaves her broken. She is left to be a choice bride by foreign suitors. On...