"There has to be changes immediately," Meritaten said.
"It can't be done as soon as you wish it," the craftsman said.
"I am the one in charge of internal affairs of the palace. Is making statuettes that I asked for hard for you ? Do you know who you are messing with ? You should leave the palace immediately!"
"I apologize my lady," he begged."I will do it immediately."
"Hurry!" she ordered.
" Come with me Bennu. We need to check on the harem then go relax in the garden,"
she said as she began to walk quickly looking back at Bennu as she dictated her instructions when she bumped into Luciana who spilled wine on her.
"I am so sorry, Lady Meritaten. I am sorry," Luciana said.
"Are you blind ?" she shrieked as she looked at her white dress now stained by the wine.
"I didn't mean to do that," Luciana said."I will wipe your dress."
"Wipe my dress ? You will only stain it further. Look at this mess. I have to change my clothes again."
Astrid was passing by when she saw them talk and joined them.
"What is going on here ?" she asked.
"Your good for nothing servant spilled wine on me."
"It was an accident. I swear," Luciana said to Astrid.
"It was an accident Meritaten."
"How dare you defend that thing ? This is a gown gifted to me by Pharaoh himself and now is stained thanks to this woman."
"She is human not a thing. Being kind to everyone will cost you nothing Meritaten."
"Kind ? Was she kind when she stained my dress ? What if Pharaoh sees it ? Will she bear the consequences ? Ask her and let her tell you that she did it intentionally. Who knows if you sent her."
"What happened Luciana ?" Astrid asked.
"I was walking towards your chambers to bring you the wine you asked for when Lady Meritaten bumped into me and the wine got spilled on her dress."
" I bumped into you ? You did. How dare you accuse me ?" she said and slapped Luciana abruptly.
Her cheek turned red from the slap and she rubbed her cheek.
" You should keep an eye on those serving you because they could get into trouble. I am carrying the future Pharaoh after Smenkhhare," she said as she rubbed her stomach proudly.
" She is a thing but she still got onto your nerves ? Why bother then ?" Astrid began." It seems that you have made the decision for Pharaoh as to who will succeed him. I wonder what he will do if he finds out that you have been saying that."
" There's nothing wrong with that. I am going to give birth to his first grandson. That will bring Smenkhhare close to the throne. Moreover, I am now personally given the duty to watch the harem and the internal affairs of the palace. You have no place to speak here Astrid."
" I am sure that you're familiar with the saying that pride comes before a fall, Meritaten. Just because you are with child doesn't mean anything. The more arrogant you become, the more the seeds of hatred for you are sown. Luciana, just take this slap for now and I will find justice for you. Let's go," Astrid said and they left leaving an angry Meritaten looking at them leave.
" I hate her,"she said.
" You need to be careful with her my lady,"Bennu said." Do not forget that she is a king's granddaughter and daughter of a future queen. Don't be rush with her or you will be the one to lose."" She really said that ?" Rashida asked Anippe.
" Yes. I heard everything. You should have seen how angry Lady Meritaten was."
" She has the nerve to actually say that her child will be Pharaoh. Who is she to say that ? She's nothing but a mere priest's daughter from a concubine."
" I think that with her like that, she could pose a threat to you. Pharaoh gave her the duties to take care of the affairs of the palace. He never gave you the duties but did to her."
" Yes Anippe. She could be a threat but luckily she is on our side because she does not like Astrid. She will be of use to us."
There was a knock at the door and Anippe opened it. Baka walked in and Rashida stood up to welcome him.
" What is my flower doing ?" he asked.
" Just talking to Anippe."
" Mmmh. I see."
" Tell me. What do you want ?" she asked with a smile.
" Actually, I need some gold."
" Gold ? But I gave you some some days ago. Where do you always take it ?"
" I have things that need to be tended to and that is why I need it."
" I am afraid that this is the last time I give you gold or silver, Baka," she said as she removed a golden ring from her finger." Here."
" Thank you very much Rashida. This will do. I need to leave before someone finds us."
Once he was gone, Anippe shut the door and went to Rashida.
" How long must you tolerate him ? He is only using you."
" I know that Anippe but what can I do ?I love him."
" Does he love you too ? He only comes to see you when he needs something. You deserve someone who actually cares for you like Prince Thutmose."
" Oh come on. Thutmose is like a friend. I have no feelings for him."
" But he would make you happy if you actually have him a chance. Besides, it will strengthen your position in court. You will be married to a prince who could be appointed as a crown prince and you are the daughter of the Living Horus. Who will dare defy you ?"
" Anippe,I am not interested in power. As long as I am a princess, I don't care who becomes Pharaoh. I am comfortable with Smenkhhare, Seti or Thutmose. They are all dear to me. My problem is who the Great Wife will be. If it is Meritaten or Astrid, I don't know how it will be like. I am thinking too much about it. Forget it. Let's go for a walk after I do my makeup."
" Yes my lady."

Ficción históricaAstrid, a princess in the lands of Alkion is betrothed to Julian, a count but when her grandfather who is king orders Julian's father's execution, he breaks the betrothal and leaves her broken. She is left to be a choice bride by foreign suitors. On...