"Of course you must do it," Meritaten said as she walked in front of Baka." It has been close to a moon since Bennu died and it's time I did this."
" I am getting scared of doing this. This will now be Rashida. If I am discovered then I shall pay for it with my life. I won't do this Meritaten," he said.
" You dare defy me ?" she scoffed." You seem to forget that your family is within my grasp."
"How are you even sure that Rashida did it ?" he sighed in defeat.
"How would I forget it ?Bennu told me."
Meritaten walked towards the edge of the bed and sat down resting her hands on her laps as she recalled that day.
"Who did this to you Bennu ? Who did this ?" Meritaten cried out as she held Bennu in her arms.
Bennu blinked and slowly raised her hand as she tried to speak but it only came out as a groan. Rashida looked scared and placed her hand on her chest and knew that it would be over for her if Bennu spoke but she would have no chance to stop it because everyone was there.
"Tell me who harmed you," Meritaten cried more." Tell me who!"
Bennu tried to speak again but her hand slowly fell to her side and there was nothing but silence.
"R..r.. Rash...iiiddda,"she whispered to Meritaten.
A while later, Meritaten gave a pained scream as she looked up with Bennu's body in her arms.
"I shall seek retribution for you," Meritaten whispered as she cried.
"You mean she spoke to you before she died ?"
"Of course she did. I am glad she did and that is why I will do everything to avenge her. I have been the one to suffer in this palace but not any longer. It's time I proceeded with my other plans. Now go and do what I have instructed you to."
" This is the last I shall work for you. I have gotten nothing since the time I began to work for you. I am still lowly ranked."
" You get more than enough gold. When Smenkhhare rises to position of Pharaoh, you shall get everything I owe you,"she said as she crossed her legs together."Here is the potion from Khafirin. It will be helpful to make you stronger," Luciana said to Astrid who was sitting on the dressing table. She took the bowl and drank of the content.
"It's bitter.Give me some water."
After drinking the water, she smiled at her image in the mirror.
"I still can't believe it Luciana," she smiled.
"Me neither. I am sure that Prince Seti is happy as well with all of this."
Just then, there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it," this from Luciana who walked towards the door and opened it. Nobody was there but when she looked at the ground, there was an amulet. She took it and closed the door.
"Who was it ?"
"No one was there but I found this," she said as she handed the amulet to Astrid who examined it carefully.
"I have seen something like this somewhere,"Astrid said.
On it were different symbols. There was a lotus flower, an ankh and an eye of Horus in the middle of the ankh."I have seen this somewhere. I am sure," Astrid said as she stood and walked slowly as she tried to remember.
Just then, Seti entered the room and saw her. He walked towards her carefully and placed his hand on her back.
"What are you thinking of ?"
"Look at this," she said as she showed him the bronze amulet."I have a feeling that this is familiar. I don't know why I feel as if this could solve some of our problems."
" I have not seen this, Astrid. Where did you get it ?" he asked after taking it in his palm and looking at it.
" Luciana found it outside the door after we heard a knock but there was no one when she went there."
" That could mean that the person wants us to have this amulet because it means something important to us. After looking at it, I think it looks like a secret symbol. I know that soldiers will wear amulets to keep them safe. Look at this here," he said as she trailed his fingers around some small blunt hooks."Looks like it is worn on the belt."
"So it has a meaning."
"Yes. I have never seen such a badge even from the nobles. Perhaps it is a secret code or something."
"Wait!" she said and stood still." I remember seeing it on the men who beat me up. I remember it Seti. I saw something like this fall from the band of one of the men's skirt."
"Really ?"
"Yes. Believe me. I remember that Seti."
"I believe you and this could provide crucial information in our investigation. It has not been easy because of lack of evidence like this."
" We should report this to his Majesty," Luciana said.
" We can't do that yet. Someone just left it outside our door and we don't know who the person is and if it is a trap. We also don't know who owns this symbol and we'll have to find out who it is before reporting it to Pharaoh. Moreover, it will be Astrid's word against the person's so we will need more evidence."
" Seti is right. But the one who sent this clearly knows who harmed me. That's for sure."
" Yes and I will help you find out who it is. Remember this Astrid, the lesser the people who know about it, the better. We wouldn't want to cause unwanted attention in this case and especially with your condition."
"Yes.""Seti," Asenath said with a smile." I heard that you called me."
" Yes. I did."
" How is it that you remembered me ? We don't talk much nowadays."
" Well, I have been a bit occupied. Not that it's a good excuse but you are still a special friend."
" There's no need to worry Seti," she began with a smile and punched his arm lightly." You are a married man and cannot run around with unmarried women."
" You're right,"he chuckled." Well, I'll cut to the chase. Here is an amulet Astrid found outside her room. We suspect that the one who put it there wanted her to see it and I need your help to decipher this meaning on the amulet and possibly the owner.
" Mmmh," she breathed as she trailed her finger over the designs." I shall try my best but I can't promise to tell you who owns it."
" Good. Remember to keep it a secret. Not a word to your father. Few hands must be involved in this. It involves my wife and I shall not take any chances."
" Of course. I shall work diligently on it."
" Report to me in case of any development."
" I will. I shall get to it right now then."
" Thank you," he said and left." Meritaten,"Pharaoh said as he looked at her curtsy before him.
" I was looking for you sovereign."
" What for ?"
" It is nothing. I just wanted to spend some time with you and be filial to you."
" Why would you do that ?"
" I know that I do not please you my lord but I am hoping to at least have you change your perspective of me. I lost my child and Bennu and have realized the importance of family. I need to make amends and maybe the gods will have mercy on me and bless me with luck in life."
" That is good to hear,"he said as he looked at the scroll in his hand." Come sit beside me,"he said and put it away.
She smiled and sat on the chair beside his on the balcony.
" Here is a board of hounds and jackals. You love to play it and I thought that I could bring it with me now that you rest at this time of the afternoon," she said as she pointed to the board being held by her new maid.
" Thoughtful huh ?" he said with a smile." Good. Set the game."
They played for a while and as she was waiting for him to make a move,she spoke.
"You play it just as well as Smenkhhare. You should hear him praise how well you play."
"He learned it from me so he obviously is a good player," he said proudly as he moved his hound.
"Of course he is. He is your son after all and he takes after you."
"Mmmh. Your turn."
"There!" she said with a smile."I win."
"I didn't see it coming," he laughed and lay back on the chair.
"I have to admit that you are a good player my lord but I have won," she chuckled.
" Yes. I'll have to admit that you have been a worthy opponent. I like that. You are indeed smart."
" I have to be. I cannot bring myself to shame you, sovereign and my husband as well."
" That's right. I will not be here forever and I need my descendants to be better than me."
" I am sure that the one you choose to succeed you will be the wisest," she smiled cunningly.
" His queen consort must be the same as well. Their nature must also be good. Wisdom isn't the only thing I shall look at."
" I understand. Shall we play another round ?"
" No. I need to get to work in the great hall," he said as he stood up.
" Then I shall accompany you there."
She stood up and held his arm to steady him and they walked towards the hall. On their way, they met with Lord Abasi.
" Father,"Meritaten spoke.
" Greetings to the living Horus and to Lady Meritaten," he said with a bow.
" Good to see you Abasi. How are you ?"
" I am doing well my king. I came here to discuss about some temple rituals with Khafirin."
"That is good. I am needed in the great hall. Excuse me," he said and left as Abasi bowed and Meritaten curtsied.
" Daughter,"he said as he looked at her and held her hand." We need to talk."
" Let's go to my chambers," she said after looking around.

Historical FictionAstrid, a princess in the lands of Alkion is betrothed to Julian, a count but when her grandfather who is king orders Julian's father's execution, he breaks the betrothal and leaves her broken. She is left to be a choice bride by foreign suitors. On...