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This is the final chapter for this book and I am so pleased that you have journeyed with me till this far. I couldn't have done it without your support as a reader and I am grateful to you for being a part of this book. There will be a sequel to this book that will be about Astrid and Seti's reign and I would be delighted if you joined me on that.
Thank you very much..
"He hasn't stopped crying since morning," Luciana said as she handed the little prince to Astrid's arms.
"He just misses me and his father," she smiled as she looked at her little bundle of joy. His skin was brown like his father's and his eyes looked like Astrid's. He had black hair and a small face with tiny pink lips and a button nose.
Astrid swang around with him in her arms and in a bit, he was sleeping.
"Give him to his nanny," she whispered to Luciana as she gave her the child." I need to get ready."
She walked to her window and saw numerous carriages being wheeled into the palace. Her family must have been in one of them.
"Your clothes are ready, your highness," a maid reported to her.
"I shall have a bath first."

In another room, Seti was being groomed by servants. He wore a white shirt and a kilt pleated at the front and decorated with patterns of royalty. His belt was made of gold fabric and had a scarab beetle made of lapis in the middle. A leopard skin was draped over his shoulders and a lion's tail hanged from his belt.
A golden cap was tied around his neck and flowed to the ground. On its knot, a heavy neck collar was placed and straightened.
He had shaved off his side lock as a sign of his new position. On his index finger was a golden signet ring and an armband on his arm. On his feet, were sandals also decorated with precious stones.
"You sure will have a good reign," Thutmose praised once he looked at him.
"I pray so. I can only hope to be a good king like my father."
"You will be even better," he said as he placed his hand on Seti's shoulder."You should be happy. You have a beautiful wife and son. What more could you ask for ?"
"You're right Thutmose. After everything that happened in the past year, having them around is one of the best things in my life."
"That's the spirit. The people await their new king," he said and bowed.

In the great hall, there were many seats arranged for all the guests invited to the coronation. Anthony and his family sat two rows behind the front as they eagerly waited to see their Astrid and her son in addition to witnessing Seti's coronation.
Court officials and other guests streamed in as they talked among themselves before finding where they would sit.
At the very front was the Pharaoh's throne and a smaller throne for his queen.
Smenkhhare and Thutmose sat at the very front as they talked about the ceremony.
"The coronation shall begin," Khafirin announced and the hall fell silent. He was dressed in his priestly attire.
In walked six soldiers in two groups of three side by side with some space left for Seti to walk in between them.
Seti walked in full of charisma and majesty and all eyes were on him. His eyes were fixed on the throne but in his heart, he could only pray for a good reign.
He walked up the stairs leading to the throne and turned to look at the people.
"The Great Wife shall now enter," Khafirin announced.
Astrid walked in the hall followed by six maidservants on her side.
She wore a floor length white dress belted with a gold waistband. A string of beads flowed from the belt to her feet. The dress had two thin straps and was covered by a white cap that covered half of her arms and flowed all over the floor. Over the cap was a multicoloured string of beads made into a neck collar.
She wore a black wig with bangs on her forehead. It reached her shoulders and was decorated with silver beading and they clinked against each other as she walked towards the man she loved. On her head was the vulture crown made of pure gold, turquoise and garnets. It's wings were spread out on the sides of her head. Cobra like earrings sat on her ears and her eyes were lined with black kohl and her eye shadow was blue.
She looked spectacular and Seti could not take his eyes off of her. It was just like their wedding. He couldn't stop adoring her beauty and charm.
When she reached the front, he stretched his hands out to her. She smiled as she placed hers in his and walked up the stairs to reach him.
They then faced the people and priests and priestesses began to recite prayers asking the gods to bless the new reign that was to begin.
Seti sat on the throne and was handed a sceptre shaped like a staff.
"This is for you to be a shepherd to the people," Khafirin said and took the red crown representing Lower Egypt and placed it over his head followed by the white crown representing Upper Egypt.
"You are now appointed the Lord of the Two Lands. May your wisdom and courage bring prosperity to the lands of Egypt."
"Princess Astrid, you are now elevated to be the Great Wife, the queen of Egypt. May you stand by your husband and king in obedience and humility to add prosperity to his reign."
" I now present, Pharaoh and his Great Wife,"Khafirin announced and all in the hall stood up clapping and cheering.
Seti led Astrid to the balcony for them to be received by the crowd below them.
The crowd went wild with cheer once the two appeared. Seti looked on with pride at his now people and took his wife's hand and kissed it.
They went back to the hall after waving at the people for a grand celebration.
Astrid met her family and all but Anthony bowed or curtsied.
"Greetings to your highness. May you be well," her mother said and Astrid rushed to lift her parents up.
"You need not bow before me. I am your daughter."
"But you are a queen and we must be formal,"Charles said with a smile.
" I missed you,"she said as she hugged her parents then Fabian, Germaine and Aretha.
"I can't believe that you are now queen," Germaine said happily.
"My small sister has really grown," Fabian said as he wrapped his arm over Astrid's shoulder.
" My cousin is a queen. Isn't that great ?"she said." You look beautiful. I am jealous,"she teased.
" Thank you. You are all making me feel shy."
"Shy ?No,"this from Germaine and Fabian excused himself.
" I missed you all so much," Astrid said." I see you wore the tiara I gave you."
" It was suitable for today,"Aretha said.
" How is your married life ?"
" Well, no marriage is easy but we are fine. I am hoping to have a child soon,"she whispered to Astrid and Germaine.
" You will soon. I can't wait for you to experience the joy motherhood brings. What needs to happen is for Germaine to find a good husband who will love her."
" And I can't wait to see my nephew. I prepared lots of gifts for him."
" Me too. Don't worry. I shall invite you all to my wedding,"Germaine said.
" You will see little Amenophis soon."
" A pleasure to meet your highness,"Julian interrupted with a bow after joining them.
" A pleasure to meet you too Lord Julian,"she said cordially." How are you ?"
" I am well. You look well too."
" Yes I am,"she said and just then Seti joined them and pulled her to himself.
" Good to see you Julian,"he said.
" The pleasure is all mine,"he replied with a bow.
" There are people I need to introduce you to,"Seti said.
" Excuse us,"Astrid said and Aretha curtsied while Julian bowed after they left.
" You are in love with her, aren't you ?" Aretha said.
" What are you even talking about ?" Julian said.
" I saw how you looked at her. Like you desire her."
" You are delusional," Julian huffed and left her standing alone.

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